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PAGE 环氧地坪涂料的研制 摘要 本文概要介绍了环氧地坪涂料的组成和发展方向,对组成环氧地坪涂料的原料分别进行了分析,认为无溶剂环氧地坪涂料符合环保理念,无挥发性有机物排放,满足现在工业需求。 本设计方案主要研究无溶剂型环氧地坪涂料,通过对环氧地坪涂料生产的各原料进行横向对比,对各种原料的组合生产出的产品进行分析,确定合适的原料,同时在此过程中研究无溶剂型环氧地坪涂料生产最佳的配比,生产出性能优异的产品。 实验表明:采用Shell828环氧树脂,加入活性稀释剂调整粘度,固化剂采用脂肪胺固化剂(1327),制备的无溶剂环氧地坪涂料,涂膜平整光亮,硬度高,耐磨、耐化学腐蚀性好,干燥时间适中,色彩鲜艳。实验所制得无溶剂型环氧树脂地坪涂料的最佳配比为:Shell 828环氧树脂53%,1327固化剂32%,稀释剂5.5%,助剂3%,颜料1.5%,填料5%。 关键词: 无溶剂 环氧树脂 地坪涂料 Development of Epoxy Floor Coatings Abstract This article outlines the composition and the development of Epoxy Floor Coatings, and analyzes the raw materials of Epoxy Floor Coatings generally, holds the view that the solvent-free epoxy floor coatings is more environmentally friendly and has non-volatile organic compound emissions, meeting the current industrial demand. The design mainly research the solvent-free epoxy floor coating, through the horizontal comparison of all raw materials and the analysis of the combination of various raw materials production ,I determine the appropriate materials, while research the best ratio of epoxy floor coatings in the process of producing, and produce an excellent product. Experiments shows that: the solvent-free epoxy floor coatings uses Shell828 resin,adds active diluents to adjust the viscosity and adds 1327 curing agent , the characteristics of this epoxy floor coatings are as follows: smoothly light, high hardness, wear resistance, chemical resistance, moderate drying time, colourful. the best ratio of the prepared epoxy floor coatings is: Shell 828 epoxy resin accounts 53%, 1327 curing agent accounts 32%, thinner accounts 5.5%, 3% additives and pigments accounts 1.5%, filler accounts 5%. Key words: Solvent-free; Epoxy resin; Floor Coatings 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 1 引言 1 1.1环氧地坪涂料的概况 1 1.1.1 环氧地坪涂料的分类及简介 1 1.1.2 环氧地坪涂料的质量要求 2 1.1.3 环氧地坪涂料的特性及应用领域 3 1.2 环氧地坪涂料的组成 3 1.2.1 环氧树脂 3 1.2.2 环氧树脂固化剂 5 1.2.3 环氧树脂稀释剂 7 1.2.4 颜填料 7 1.2.5 助剂 9 1.3 环氧地坪涂料的发展方向 12 1.3.1 新型环氧树脂 12 1.3.2 溶剂型环氧涂料的低污染化 12 1.3.3 新型颜料开发利用 12 1.3.4 功能性



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