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PAGE PAGE 16 2009届毕业生 毕业论文 题 目: 大型超市的顾客满意度研究-以上海家乐福为例 院系名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: 年 月 日 摘 要 大型零售业连锁化在中国的产生与发展,是中国国民经济持续发展,人民生活水平不断提高,零售业能量不断升级的具体表现。超市也称为自选市场,是当今零售业态中发展最快的一种形式。这种形式最初出现于30年代的美国,而后迅速风靡全球。然后随着我国的改革开放以及与世界经济的不断接轨,这种开架陈列、敞开售货、明码市价、定量包装、自我服务、自助购物,电脑一次性自动结算的全新零售方式已由经济发达的沿海地区逐步进人了我国各大中城市,并开始呈现出一片燎原之势。在这种全新的零售业态蓬勃发展之时。不少超市之间却陷入了恶性竞争。无法赢得核心顾客。 本文准备通过研究顾客满意度的方式,寻找影响顾客满意度的因素。共发出300份调查问卷。经过检查共有222份有效问卷。本文用顾客满意度指数的方法,本文通过对数据的统计和研究得出结论,最后本文提出提高顾客满意度的方法。 本文以上海家乐福为例,在上海家乐福武宁店采取调查问卷的方式,发现上海家乐福的顾客满意度指数不高,其中顾客对员工的主动服务性不高。顾客非常重视产品和服务的质量。 关键词:顾客满意度,顾客满意度的指数,大型超市ACSI Title Research Customer Satisfaction of the large-scale supermarket Carrefour in Shanghai as an example Abstract Large-scale retail trade chain-like in Chinas production and development, is China national economy sustained development, the living standards enhances unceasingly, the retail trade level promotes unceasingly concrete manifestation. The supermarket is also called the supermarket, it in the retail trade condition develops the quickest one form now. This form appears at first in the 30ss US, then rapidly is all the rage the whole world. Then along with our countrys reform and open policy as well as with world economics unceasing trail connection, this kind opens an exhibition, to open wide the vending, the market price, the quota packing, the self-service, the self-service shopping, the computer disposable automatic settlement brand-new retail sales way to enter person our country each big or media-sized cities gradually with clearly marked price by the economy developed coastal area, and starts to present the fast development the aspect. But in this kind of brand-new retail trade condition vigorous development time. Between many supermarkets actually fell into the blind competition. Is unable to win the core customer. This article prepare through to stud


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