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PAGE 毕 业 论 文 电子商务环境下的企业组织结构创新 学生姓名: 学 号: 0815052225 所在系部: 管理系 专业班级: 08gb电子商务2班 指导教师: 教授 助教 日 期: 二○一二年五月 Innovation of The Enterprise Organization Construction In The Electronic Commerce Environment By Peng Shan May 2012 PAGE ii 摘 要 企业组织结构是反映企业内部分工与协作,部门划分与职责范围,决策权限与组织边界的构成体系,它的先进性与合理性直接影响到企业经营活动的效率的高低和竞争能力的强弱。电子商务的出现使得企业内外的信息沟通变得快捷、高效和低成本,但同时对企业的反应速度、创新能力和管理绩效等也提出了前所未有的要求。而传统工业时代的企业往往机构重叠,这就导致了信息不畅、僵化静态等弊端,也扼杀了员工的创造性。因此企业的变革势在必行,其中组织结构的创新尤为重要。 本文通过对电子商务环境下企业组织结构创新背景的梳理,研究了创新的内涵和意义,分析了企业在电子商务环境下开展组织结构创新的动力和阻力,发掘了企业当前面临的挑战与机遇,并对企业组织结构创新的趋势进行预判。采用了实证研究的方法,以海尔为具体研究的案例,通过分析海尔在电子商务环境下的组织结构创新的过程来验证企业在电子商务环境下进行组织结构创新的作用和现实意义,最后从海尔这个案例出发,总结了我国企业实行组织结构创新的路径。 关键词:电子商务 企业组织结构 创新 Abstract Enterprise organization structure is a reflection of the internal division and cooperation, the department division and responsibilities, decision authority and the structure of the organization boundary system, its advanced and reasonable directly affect the enterprise business activity of efficiency and competition ability strong and the weak. The emergence of electronic business makes both within and outside the enterprise information communication become fast, efficient and low cost, but at the same time speed of response to the enterprise, innovation ability and management performance and so on also puts forward the unprecedented requirements. And the age of the traditional industrial enterprise often organization overlap, this has the information not free, rigid static such shortcomings, also killed the staff creativity. Therefore it is imperative to reform of the enterprise, including the structure of organization innovation is especially important. This article through to the electronic commerce environment enterprise organization structure innovation of the background of the comb, and studies the connotation and meaning of innovation, this paper analyzes the enterprise in the electronic commerce environment in the structure of the organization innovation pow



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