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12. 亚洲金融危机爆发后,亚洲国家特别是遭受冲击比较严重的国家和地区,更加深切地感到解决这些问题的紧迫性。 The outbreak of the Asian financial crisis has made Asian countries, particularly those hard-hit countries and regions, more keenly aware of the urgency to address those problems. (将汉语原文中的状语成分转译成主语) Unit Four Repetition 重复法 1. May is open windows and lilac perfume on the breeze and bees humming at tulips. 五月是敞开的窗户,是微风送来的丁香的芬芳,是郁金香丛中蜜蜂嗡嗡的欢唱。 2. It is customary for adults to forget how hard and dull and long school was. 成年人往往忘了当年上学的日子多艰苦,多乏味,多漫长。 3. The charming of conversation is that it does not really start from anywhere, and no one has any idea where it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows. 交谈的魅力在于不能确定它始于何处,也无人料及会通向何方。它时而缓流婉蜒,时而水急浪涌,时而火花闪烁,时而炽热通明。 4. But it does happen from time to time that an island appears on the horizon, nameless to us and full of mystery, the peak of a submarine mountain range, lonely, unblemished, remote. 遥远的地平线上,不时的有一座小岛出现,无人知其名,充满了神秘,那是海底山峦的顶峰,那么孤独,那么圣洁,那么遥远。 Unit Five Negation 正反表达法 1. Opportunity knocks but once. 机不可失,时不再来。 2. [标牌用语] (1)Staff Only 非工作人员不许入内。 (2)Private 请勿打扰//非请莫入。 (3)男同志请勿入内! Women Only! (非说“女”而不提“男”) 3. 谈到中国的改革开放就必然提到 邓小平 先生。 We can not talk about China ’s reform and opening-up without mentioning Mr. Deng Xiaoping. 4. There is no rules but has exceptions. 凡规则皆有例外。 5. In 1927, Ford produced its sedan Model A, which was much more comfortable than the open, windswept Model T. 1927年,福特公司生产出了A型轿车,比敞篷式不挡风的T型轿车舒服得多。 〖不能直译为“刮风的”〗 Chapter 4 Translation Skills 常用翻译技巧 Unit One Amplification 增词法 Amplification supplying necessary words in our translation work so as to make the version correct and clear. Words thus supplied must be indispensable either syntactically or semantically. 句子翻译 1. It should, however, be borne in mind that this process itself might involve a


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