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滨湖寿春中学 研究性学习报告 高一(六)班 参与者: 贝文丽 李震 唐晶晶 刘和梅 杨永刚 刘子涵 2013-2-22 特色文化 合肥深入挖掘、保护和利用民族文化资源,着力打造特色文化品牌,取得了较好成效,形成了合肥地域文化特色: 1、合肥 包公祠,包公文化; 2、 合肥逍遥津,老庄文化;三国文化; 3、合肥 六谷祠,药王文化; 4、合肥 赤阑桥,宋词文化; 5、合肥白水坝, 丽友文化; 6、 合肥城隍庙,道教文化; 7、合肥 李鸿章, 洋务文化;淮军文化; 8、合肥道士岗,刑天文化; 9、合肥 明教寺,佛教文化 ; 众多特色文化品牌,构建了民族民间文化发展的新平台。 包公祠全名“包公孝肃祠”,位于合肥市环城南路东段的一个土墩上,是包河公园的主体古建筑群。明弘治元年(1488年).庐州知 府宋鉴在此修建包书院,故名为包公祠。这个土墩又有“香花墩”的雅号。 包公祠是纪念宋龙图阁直学士、礼部侍郎、 开封府尹包文拯的公祠。 合肥包公祠、包公墓、包公公园的英文介绍 ==================================== Bao Zheng, who styled himself Xi Ren, was a famous corruption-free official in the Northern Song Dynasty. He was born in Hefei in 999 AD, and died in 1062 AD. He was rewarded with a posthumous title “Xiao Su”(filial piety and solemnity) by the emperor. ============== Bao Gong Temple ============ It is located on the Fragrant Flower Mound in Baohe Park. Built for the first time in 1066 AD, the temple is the primal model in memory of Bao Zheng both at home and abroad. The existing Bao Gong Temple was reconstructed with the money donated by Li Hong Zhang, the governor-general of Zhili (now Hebei) in the 8th year (1882 AD) of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. In 1961, it was proclaimed to be a key cultural relic site under the protection of Anhui Provincial Government. ============ Bao Gong Park ============ Hefei Bao Gong Park lies in the southeastern part of the old town, with an area of 31.8 hectares. “The landscape along the Baohe River” ranks at the top of “the ten scenic sights in Hefei.” It is the place for people to go for sightseeing or pay a tribute to Bao Zheng. ============ Bao Gong Tomb ============ It is located on the southern bank of the Baohe River, being one of the few well-preserved tombs of well-known officials in ancient China. The remains of Bao Zheng, his wife, and their offspring were all buried here. In 1956, it was listed as a key cultural relic site under the protection of Anhui provincial government. The tomb is characterized by an atmospher


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