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河南理工大学本科毕业设计(论文) 第二章 桥梁下部结构设计 PAGE 2 PAGE I PAGE 25 摘 要 本次设计的课题是南水北调大桥下部结构,本设计选择部分预应力混凝土简支梁桥为方案进行下部结构设计。 在设计中,首先根据地质条件选择适合本桥的桩基础,比较常用的桥墩(台)形式,经过方案必选后选择合适的桥梁墩(台),方案确定后再从上到下开始计算。首先是盖梁的计算,着重计算盖梁在使用过程中上部构造恒载、盖梁自重以及汽车及人群荷载的作用,通过荷载集度进行盖梁内力的计算,然后是盖梁的配筋,经过盖梁内力计算后对盖梁进行配筋及承载力校核;其次是桥墩的计算,桥墩的计算主要是桥墩所受的恒载、活载的计算及双柱反力的计算,然后是配筋计算及应力验算;然后是钻孔灌注桩的计算,主要是桩长的计算,桩长根据单桩容许承载力的经验公式确定桩长,桩内力的计算主要是用m法,根据m法确定的桩的内力进行桩筋的设计及强度验算;最后是埋置式U型桥台刚性扩大基础的计算,主要是对桥台恒载、活载、土压力的计算,经过计算后,对计算结果进行地基承载力、基底偏心距、基础稳定性的验算。 关键词:简支梁桥;盖梁;桥墩(台);钻孔灌注桩 Abstract The design of the subject is the nanshuibeidiao bridge structure diversion,I select the partially prestressed concrete beam bridge solution for the structure design. In the design, according to the geological conditions of the first choice for this bridge pile foundation, compare common pier (Abutment), after scheme will be selected to choose the appropriate bridge pier (Abutment), plan again after the start counting from top to bottom. First is capping beam, the calculation used in engineering calculation capping beam in the upper structure, capping beam and car and weight load and load are set by the internal force calculation, capping beam is then cover the beams, capping beam reinforcement through calculation of cover after reinforcement and bearing capacity of beams are checked, Second is the bridge pier, the calculation of main pier is constant, live load calculation and the twin pillars of calculation, and then is calculated and reinforcement stress calculation, Then the cast-in-place pile length is calculated, the main pile length calculation, the bearing capacity of single pile according to allow pile length, experience formula calculation of internal piles is mainly use m method, according to the method of pile m. internal piles of reinforcement design and strength calculation, Finally is buried type abutment u-shaped rigid expand the calculation, is mainly based on the abutment and live load, soil pressure calculation, through calculation, analysis an


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