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Carmen雅思口语课① 畅游雅思口语PART1/2/3  ABOUT IELTS SPEAKING 1. COMMUNICATION 雅思口语特别之处在于,人与人之间的交流。 用最简单的语言表达自己的观点,重点是让对 方明白。 形式,随意而不随便 PRINCIPLES 1. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOU SAY, WHAT MATTERS IS HOW YOU SAY IT. 2. SHARE 学会分享。 IELTS Speaking Criteria Speaking Band 5.0 Candidate tries to keep the speech flowing but hesitation and repetition gets in the way. His responses are rather short, he tries to use linking words but does that un-naturally . Only simple sentences are fluent, in more complex ones the coherence is much worse. His pronunciation is not very good, that includes incorrect words’stress. Speaking Band 6 Candidate is willing to talk at length, not always directly answering the question. The speech is mostly fluent with some hesitation and repetition. Usage of linking words is there, but not always they are used appropriately or accurately. The vocabulary is large enough for candidate to speak on the given topic and he is easy to understand, even if there are some grammatical errors. The candidate uses both simple and complex sentence structures; but complex ones is harder to control. The pronunciation is mostly correct with occasional errors. Speaking Band 7  Candidate speaks smoothly without much effort.  The linking words are used naturally and in the right places.  His vocabulary is appropriate but not sophisticated and doesn’t show variations, the language is fluent but relatively simple. He uses some idioms and sometimes does that inappropriately.  The control of grammar is good, the mistakes are rare.  His pronunciation is good and the accent doesn’t get in the way.


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