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中山大学硕士学位论文 f, 环境污染侵权行为民事责任问题研究 专业:法律硕士 硕士生:游江宏 招导老师:周林彬教授 论文答辩委员会(签名) 主席 委员:碎今養 R 期:2005 年 L0 月 25 口 我国环境污染侵权的民事责任形式有两种:排除危害和赔偿损 失。由于环境污染的特殊性,这两种民事责任形式的实现也相应地遇 到诸多的难点。鉴于发达国家的环境保护法起步较早,有许多成功的 经验可以借鉴,以寻求解决的对策。我国环境保护立法起步较晚,环 境污染侵权责任立法上有诸多不完善的地方,《海洋环境保护法》第 41条将责令赔偿国家损失”作为行政处罚的一种形式加以规定, 这有俘于法律责任理论。 追究环境污染侵权民事责任的程序有两种,即环境污染民事纠纷 的行政处理和民事诉讼。关于行政处理的性质,学术界曾有过激烈的 争论,随着国家有权解释的出台和立法上的明确,这种争论应已终结, 行政处理在本质上属于调解的性质。由于环境污染侵权的特殊性’环 境污染民事诉讼中存在着传统民诉理论所不能解决的问题:(1)原告 资格的确定;(2)共同被告问题;(3)集团诉讼;(4)环境污染民事 诉讼中的证明方法。这些问题的解决均有待于对传统民诉理论加以完 善0 °最后,本文对我国环境污染侵权行为及其民事责任法律制度的完 善,从以下几方面提出了建议,具体是:(1)关于环境权的立法完善; (2)关于无过错责任原则的立法完善;(3)关于环境污染侵权赔偿 责任的立法完善;(4)加强污染赔偿纠纷处理的程序性立法。 关键词t环境侵权公平关系不法性民事责任无过错责任原 则 Title: Tort Liability of Environmental Pollution Major: Law Master Name: You Jiang Hong Supervisor: professor Zhou Lin Bin Abstract The civil liability of environmental pollution is a basic problem in the theory of environmental law. It is important for the environmental legislation and judicature that we make systematic and all-round study of the problem. The thesis is divided into four parts; Part I : It indicates that the substance of tort liability of Environmental Pollution is completely different from the one of traditional civil trespass. So if the restrictions of the traditional civil trespass are imposed onto the environmental civil liability, it shall result in substantially unequal status of the two parties. Therefore, in my opinion, in the field of environmental civil liability, we shall regard both parties standing on the same footing. In this way, we may effectively guarantee the continuous social development and protect the victims ultimate interests. Besides, we shall build a fair liability system in the prospective of legislation and justice. In this sect ion, we focus on discussing how to conditions of environmental tort and how to scope of its principles of faulty shall be aware that the illegality shall be r condition of environmental tort. Here, all the conditions of tort have been elabor


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