人教版英语必修三Unit 3(第一课时)上课课件.pptVIP

人教版英语必修三Unit 3(第一课时)上课课件.ppt

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M3 Unit 3 石家庄市第一中学 郭 亚 The Million Pound Bank-Note She was born in 1900 and died in 1999. She is one of the best-known literary figures. Her works are very popular with children. She wrote " Love is everything." 冰心 "Little Orange Lamp" is one of her famous works. William Shakespeare He is known by almost everyone in the world. His four great tragedies are frequently performed in Broadway. His works include 37plays, 2 narrative poems and 154 sonnets. The four great tragedies are Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, and King Lear. pseudonym(笔名) ---- Mark Twain “Lincoln in American Literature” America's short story writer; novelist Humorist; public speaker literary giant America's best known literary figure Learning goals To learn about the life of Mark Twain and some of his works To know something about the play "The Million Pound Bank Note" To improve reading ability How much do you know about Mark Twain? His life His works His humor His writing style … Real name Meaning of pen name Birth date Birthplace Grew up places Famous stories Fill in the basic information about Mark Twain: Hannibal, Missouri along the Mississippi River Samuel Langhorne Clemens The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Nov. 30th, 1835 The water is 2 fathoms deep. Florida His works are full of humor and irony (讽刺) for the rich and dishonest, sympathy for the poor. He revealed the money worship of people in western countries in some of his novels. Reading-- A Million Pound Bank Note The basic knowledge about plays: Act 幕 Scene 场 Stage directions 舞台说明 Stage directions is one of the basic features in the structure of plays, which appear in italics, using the present tense. It provides the director and actors with guidance about how words should be said—tone of voice or what action should be taken — behavior. time place people event take down some notes according to the four things Time It is the _______ of


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