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七、結論 1.GIBs 相對SAFs而言,在產品設計與製程改善上 採行漸變;SAFs則同時在inbound 與outbound全面重塑;GIBs只能在SC 的inbound,internal,outbound上局部改變 SAFs的重大改變包括縮短供應鏈及通路,使用區域供應商等 2.續探討個別作為與績效的關係可深度理解永續三柱之間的抵換與綜效;另外驅動與作為,作為與績效之間的個別關係有助於企業決定最適策略 3.最後,應強調公司腳色與生產鏈文化(內部價值,國家文化)對改善永續供應鏈的效果 紡織所 本資料為紡織所專有之財產,非經書面許可,不准透露或使用本資料,亦不准複印、複製或轉變成任何其他形式使用 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TTRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TTRI. 紡織所 本資料為紡織所專有之財產,非經書面許可,不准透露或使用本資料,亦不准複印、複製或轉變成任何其他形式使用 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TTRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TTRI. 紡織所 本資料為紡織所專有之財產,非經書面許可,不准透露或使用本資料,亦不准複印、複製或轉變成任何其他形式使用 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TTRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TTRI. WP報告51 : 流行產業供應鍊之永續策略: 驅動力,作為,績效評估 蘇家煦/產服部 3/15/2014 一、理論簡介 創新(經濟)永續Innovative (Ecnomic) Sustainability 社會永續Social Sustainability 環境永續Environmental Sustainability Sustainability Innovation 永續與創新 是過去與未來三年各運動品牌各大展場主題 是經營者與組織作業團隊共同面對的挑戰 焦點在經營與環境衝擊的階段平衡 流行產業對環境的衝擊:化學品與原物質 雇用就業人口的9.3%,外銷金額4%,生產製程,尤其染印耗用大量能資,衝擊環境。 近年來,全球對環境永續推動,賦予極大心力,但多事倍功半。流行產業依賴供應鍊執行綠色策略與公司競爭力。 缺乏有效的路徑 與執行架構: 驅動力,措施, 評估指標(KPI) HM 與CA 2010有機棉假以基因改質棉 CA – good quality, good value and full of surprises The latest developments at CA Our customers can rely on us. They know that at CA they get quality fashion for all the family at great value-for-money prices. In addition to this, however, we aim to surprise our customers time and again with our special collections, campaigns and attractive offers. Find out about the latest developments in this section. Organic cotton – for you, for others and for the environment CA is committed to the cultivation of organic cotton, not least in order to meet our loyal customers’ increasing desire for e


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