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河北理工大学毕业设计说明书 第 PAGE 3 页 共 51 页 摘要 随着计算机在社会生活各个领域的广泛运用,计算机病毒攻击与防范技术也在不断发展。计算机病毒是能改变或破坏存在计算机中的数据的程序,而且它能在操作过程中不断自我复制,从而造成损害。随着网络的普及,蠕虫病毒逐渐的成为了对当今世界危害最大的计算机病毒,占据了现今计算机病毒的90%左右。它与一般的计算机病毒不同,它不采用将自身拷贝附加到其他程序中的方式来复制自己,并且它是依靠网络来传播的。在当今这个没有网络就无法正常生活的时代中,网络蠕虫的对抗技术会逐渐的成为热门。 在本次设计中,我主要是选择了在2003年轰动一时的冲击波病毒作为研究的课题。通过对冲击波的代码,病毒的有关性质和作用原理进行系统的分析,找到它的发作机制,并利用病毒的运行结果提出了一套事实可行的解决方案,恢复系统在感染病毒以前的状态。这样对研究网络蠕虫是会有很大的帮助的。 关键词:网络蠕虫;冲击波;病毒 需要全套设计请联系QQ174320523 各专业都有 ABSTRACT Along with the computer is popularly used in each realm of the social, the attack of the computer’s virus and technology that against the virus are also developing. The virus of the computer is a program that can change and break the data in the computer, and it can copy itself in computer’s operating, so that the data in the computer is broken. Along with the universality of the network, the worm is the worst harm of the computer’s virus to the world, and it takes up 90% of computer’s virus nowadays. Worm is different from other virus, it dose not copy itself to other program, and it depends on the network to spread of. Today without the network the people can’t live in normal life, so that the technology that against the worm will be the hottest specialty. In this design, I choose the worm that named I-Worm/Blaster by authority for my design of graduate, it very popular in the year of 2003.I will use the code of I-Worm/Blaster and the function of it to find out the action of the I-Worm/Blaster. Using the action of the I-Worm/Blaster to find the way to kill it, and restore the operation system. My design will give the help to the study of the worm. Keywords: worm;Worm/Blaster;virus 目 录 摘要…………………………………………………………………………………………1 Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………..2 1 蠕虫病毒简介……………………………………………………3 1.1蠕虫病毒的认识……….………………………………………………………...3 1.2蠕虫病毒与一般病毒的异同…………………………………………………….3 1.3蠕虫病毒的组成与结构……………………………………………4 1.3.1 蠕虫程序的一般传播过程……………………………………………...4 1.4入侵过程的分析……………………………………………5


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