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Airport Information JEPPESENJEPPESEN JEPPESENJEPPESEN ZGGG (Baiyun) JeppView General Info Guangzhou, CHN N 23?23.4 E113?18.4 Mag Var: 2.0癢 Elevation: 50 Public, Control Tower, IFR, Landing Fee, Customs Fuel: Jet Repairs: Major Engine Time Zone Info: GMT+8:00 no DST Runway Info Runway 02L-20R 11811 x 148 concrete Runway 02R-20L 12467 x 197 concrete Runway 02L (16.0癕) TDZE 42 Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline Runway 02R (16.0癕) TDZE 47 Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, TDZ Right Traffic Runway 20L (196.0癕) TDZE 48 Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, TDZ Displaced Threshold Distance 656 Runway 20R (196.0癕) TDZE 43 Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline Right Traffic Communications Info ATIS 128.6 Arrival Service ATIS 127.0 Departure Service Baiyun Tower 124.3 Secondary Baiyun Tower 118.8 Baiyun Tower 118.1 Baiyun Ground Control 121.8 Baiyun Ground Control 121.7 Baiyun Ground Control 121.6 Secondary Baiyun Clearance Delivery 121.9 Guangzhou Approach Control 127.7 Secondary Guangzhou Approach Control 126. Secondary Guangzhou Approach Control 126.3 Guangzhou Approach Control 119.7 Guangzhou Approach Control 119.6 Guangzhou Approach Control 120.4 Notebook Info Licensed to mengnan. Printed on 22 Sep 2007. JEPPESEN Notice: After 26 Oct 2007 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 20-2007 JeppView ZGGG/CAN JEPPESEN GUANGZHOU, PR OF CHINA BAIYUN 12 JAN 07 20-2 .Eff.18.Jan. .RNAV.STAR. Alt Set: hPa *ATIS Apt Elev Trans level: FL118 - below 980 hPa 128.6


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