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UNSCEAR, 联合国原子辐射效应科学委员会, United Nations Science Committee on the Effect of Atom Radiation, United Nations BEIR, 美国国家科学院电离辐射生物效应委员会,Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, National Academy of Sciences,United States ICRP,国际放射学会国际辐射防护委员会,International Commission on Radiological protection, the International Society of Radiology, United Nations Science Committee on the Effect of Atom Radiation, United Nations 关注电离辐射的其他重要机构,还有: RERF, 日本放射线影响研究所 NCRP, 美国辐射防护与测量国家委员会 NIH, 美国国立卫生研究院 IEAE, 联合国国际原子能机构 NAS, 美国国家科学院 电离辐射相关研究与调查的重要报告与文献 联合国UNSCEAR(2010)报告 美国BEIR-VII(2007)报告 国际放射防护学会ICRP(103) 报告 日本RERF报告 UNSCEAR系列报告包括 Since its inception, UNSCEAR has issued 20 major publications. These reports are highly regarded as principal sources of authoritative information. The latest publication is the UNSCEAR 2010 Report: Summary of low-dose radiation effects on health. The penultimate publication was the UNSCEAR 2008 Report: Sources and effects of ionizing radiation. UNSCEAR 2006 Report: Effects of ionizing radiation BEIR-VII 报告,2007版 近日,美国科学院(NAS)发布了电离辐射生物学效应报告VII (Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation-VII,简称BEIR-VII,2007),此次报告内容的重点之一放在了医用X射线和γ射线的生物学效应问题。 ICRP 103号辐射生物学研究报告 The 2007 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection The fact that these new recommendations are more a matter of consolidation of previous ICRP recommendations and guidance should provide confidence that the system of protection established by and large in its present form several decades ago has reached a certain level of maturity. As such, no major changes to radiological protection regulations based on the 1990 recommendations should be necessary. 1. 辐射致癌的人类资料 全身照射致癌 核素内照射 局部照射致癌 日本原子弹爆炸 马绍尔群岛 前苏联切尔诺贝利核电站事故 南拉乌尔事故 。。。。。。 医源性照射 厂矿工人、医用放射性核素 癌症(Cancer)是增生失控、并能侵入周围组织或向远隔部位转移的恶性肿瘤。癌细胞生长的特点是增生失控和分化不足,并能把这种特征向后代细胞转移。 2. 电离辐射致癌的发生机理 多因素多阶段的致癌学说 体细胞突变的致癌学说 免疫监视功能降低的致癌学说 目前普遍认为电离辐射是一种全致癌因子。 基因组不稳定的致癌学说 电离辐射是一种诱变剂(mutation),诱变


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