施心远主编听力教程 第版Unit 课件.ppt

施心远主编听力教程 第版Unit 课件.ppt

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Unit2 ;Section 1:;Part I: Phonetics ;Part 2 Listen and Note-taking;A. Listen and take notes: station go straight / cinema 2nd turning /right cinema /corner turn right/at cinema / be in Bridge Str. Go along Bri. Str. /few minu. 1st turning/ left ;;Section Two Listening Comprehension;Part I Dialogues ;Dialogue 1 Where Are You Living Now?;Ex. A: Listen to the interview and decide whether the following statements are true or false. 1. The man lives in Hampstead now. F The man used to live in Hampstead 2. The man has changed his job. T He worked for an advertising agency five years ago but now he works for a newspaper ;3. The place where the man lives now is about 15 miles away from London. F The nearest station is rather far, about 15 miles away, but the village is fairly close to London, about 40 miles.) ;Ex. B: Listen to the interview again and answer the following questions. 1. Why did the man move out of London? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 2. Where does he live now? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 3. How did he go to work? ____________________________________;4. How does he go to work now? Most likely he goes to work by car now because he said it takes him less than an hour and a half, door to door, to get to work. 5. Where does he work now? He works for a newspaper.;Dialogue 2 Have you ever lived abroad?;Part 2 Passages;Welcome to London!;London;Buckingham Palace;;Notes: ;jostle: push against s.o. We were jostled by the crowd. 我们与人群摩肩接踵。 pageantry: splendid, colourful and very expensive ceremonies She loved the pageantry and tradition of the Royal Family. aristocratic: like an aristocrat Argentina: 阿根廷 ;Key to exercise:;Part 3 News;News Item 1 Pre-listening: 1. Notes;Post-listening: Discussion Ex. A: Summarize the news This news item is about a new research which says 35% of all child deaths worl


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