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PAGE Unit3 第一课时参考教案 一、教学说明: 1.经过一段时间的英语学习,在开展的教学活动中,学生参与活动的积极性明显提高。 2.学生已经能用简单的问候语来问候,用简单的介绍用语来介绍,能用Give me the … 来表达自己的意愿。 3.Unit 2学生已经学会数字1——6,并要求将数字拓展学习到10,可以为今天的年龄学习打下基础。 二、教学内容 1)认知内容: a.能听懂会说祈使句Raise your hand. Put it down. Show me your book.。 b.能用” How old are you ?” 来询问对方年龄,并作出回答。 2)能力要求: 在学习和生活中能用所学祈使句表述自己的意愿,同时对这些命令做出反应。 3)情感态度: 能自然大方与人交流。 三、教学步骤: PROCEDURES CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSE I.Pre-task preparation: warming up 1.Rhyme One, two,three 2.Greetings. SS e.g.: Hello, Hi, Good morning. I’m …, This is …. 3.Do a TPR activity. e.g.: Boys, open your pencil-box and say “Hello”. Girls, Stand up and give me your book. 大多数学生已经会唱歌曲,这时可以配上动作让学生更能体会歌曲的含义。 把学过的动作命令串起来,让学生在说说做做中熟练运用句型。训练学生的对英语的快速反应 。 II.While-task procedure: Commands teaching: Show me your ____. 1. 1.Show the puppet and model to students. e.g.: Show me your book. 2.Repeat the commands and ask the students to act them. How old are you? I’m … years old. 1.Show a picture of a tree. T: How many circles? Let’s count. S: One , two, three, four, five. T: oh, five years old. 2. Show some other pictures of trees and ask students to practice the phrase: eg: T: How old? S: …. years old./ One year old. 3.T: The tree is five years old. How old are you? S: I’m … years old. 4.Students practice the pattern in pairs. 用树的年轮来引出年龄,将年龄这个抽象的概念具体化地呈现在学会的面前。 通过操练过程中多次听教师提问How old. 为后面的学习打下埋伏。 由树的年龄自然那转入到人的年龄。 Commands teaching: Raise your hand. Put it down. 1.Teacher introduces the action. Say and act. eg: T: if you are seven years old, please raise your hand. 2. Practice the action. Raise your hand. Put it down. 3. Listen to the tape, repeat the commands and act out them out. 以询问年龄来请学生举手,自然过渡到命令句,使两个不甚相关的内容结合起来。 教师可以在操练的环节中和学生一起做些游戏。 III.Post-task activity: 1.Llisten to the tape on page 13 and repeat. 2. Do a survey : Ask and find out your classmates’ ages. Report: eg: Alice is seven years old. 3. Encourage students make a new dialogue. “Meet your new classmate” eg: A: I’m A. How are you? B: I’m fine. I’


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