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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 影像所见: 1, T2 可见肝硬化,肝脏呈网格状 2, 肝内可见多发、大小不等结节状低信号 3, 肝右叶可见一圆形、不均匀等信号占位 病例二 病史: 肝硬化十一年 超声提示: 肝内占位,肝细胞癌? 病例二 LAVA所见 不同个体的循环时间有微小差异,因此按照经验推算的动态增强有可能过早或过晚 由于LAVA扫描的时间很短(6秒),一次屏气19秒可以连扫3遍,可以非常容易地抓取动脉期图像 该患者动态扫描启动较晚,而且该患者循环时间较慢,因此在多动脉期成像的第一期动脉充盈不佳(打药后20秒钟开始扫描) 第二期表现为典型的动脉期图像,第三期表现为动脉晚期 病例二 MRCP显示胆总管胰管扩张 MRCP原始图像十二指肠可疑充盈缺损 病例三 高分辨率LAVA扫描显示胆总管末端强化,连续多层面观察显示 病变起源于十二指肠 MRCP显示胆总管末端梗阻并 可见十二指肠缺损改变 高分辨率LAVA增强扫描显示相应 区域强化软组织信号病变 病例四 病例五 病例六 高分辨率LAVA增强扫描图像清晰显示浆膜外侵犯征象,要加放疗等综合手段 LAVA临床应用小节 快速扫描 — 多动脉期成像 单次屏气完成动脉早期、中期、晚期成像 高分辨率成像 — 壶腹部薄层扫描2/3mm ( 重建1mm/1.5mm )成像 高SNR成像 — 6/10sec高分辨率成像仍可以保证高质量的图像 高对比度 — 彻底的脂肪抑制,清晰的病变强化,均匀的血管显示 技术成熟、操作简便,常规技术人员既可以完成 一站式检查,单次检查可同时评价病变的形态、结构、组织成份、血供、周围血管情况 谢 谢 ! THANK YOU SUCCESS * * 可编辑 * Good evening everyone and welcome to our introduction of a new technology we call Excite HD. Excite HD is a new platform for MR imaging that we believe will significantly improve your ability to make diagnoses in even the most challenging situations. I’ll go into more detail on this in a moment, but first let me set the stage by saying that MRI today, after nearly 2 decades of growth and development, and with the ability to produce wonderful images throughout the entire body, still encounters a number of difficult challenges and limitations. * * * These are five of the many diagnostic applications that are resident on the HD system and you’ll be hearing more more detail about the clinical impact of these applications from the clinical speakers to follow. * * These are five of the many diagnostic applications that are resident on the HD system and you’ll be hearing more more detail about the clinical impact of these applications from the clinical speakers to follow. * * These are five of the many diagnostic applications that are resident on the HD system and you’ll be hearing more more detail about the clinical impact of these applications from the clinical speakers to follow.


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