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江苏制造业转型升级路径 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 32019 一、引言 2 9289 (一)研究目的意义 2 21081 (二)国内外研究现状 2 15493 二、 江苏省制造业发展现状及问题 3 17051 (一)江苏省制造业发展现状 3 15739 (二)江苏省制造业发展中出现的问题 6 21668 三、影响江苏制造业产业升级进程的制约因素 7 10812 (一)产业层次还不够高? 7 237 (二)企业结构还不够优 7 (三)基础材料、基础零部件和基础工艺的水平还不够 8 15454 四、江苏制造业转型升级的路径选择 8 14762 五、江苏制造业转型升级策略 11 10330 (一)改变发展方式,构建绿色制造体系 11 2112 (二)引进先进技术,从粗放型向集约型经济转变 11 1442 (三)构建合理的人才队伍,提高自主创新能力 12 4970 (四)发挥政府主导作用,调整优化产业组织 12 181 结 论 13 江苏制造业转型升级路径 摘要:制造业是江苏省工业经济的支柱产业,占据着主体地位。“十二五”期间,江苏制造业产业呈现快速发展态势,表现出重工业主导趋势明显、工业化程度持续提高等特点。但受发展方式、资源环境等制约,其产业层次总体不高、自主创新能力不强、产业集中度不高、产能过剩,建议采取转变经济发展方式、倡导循环低碳经济,统筹规划产业布局、全力打造高端制造业等措施,加快实现江苏由工业大省向工业强省迈进。通过阐述了江苏制造业发展现状以及结合昆山陆家镇转型升级,设计了江苏经济开发区转型升级的有效路径。 关键词:制造业;转型升级;路径 Jiangsu Manufacturing Industry Transformation And Upgrading Path Abstract:Manufacturing industry is a pillar industry of the industrial economy in jiangsu province, occupy the main body status. \Twelfth five-year\ period, jiangsu manufacturing industry present situation, development and heavy industry leading trend obviously, industrialized continuous improvement, etc. But is conditioned by the ways of development, resources, environment, the industry overall level is not high, the independent innovation ability is not strong, the industrial concentration is not high, excess capacity, suggest a transformation of the pattern of economic development, advocating low carbon economy, overall planning efforts to build an advanced manufacturing industry layout, and other measures to speed up the implementation by industry in jiangsu province to a strong industrial province. Through this paper expounds the current situation of the development of manufacturing industry in jiangsu province and combining with the transformation and upgrading of kunshan lujia, design the effective path of transformation and upgrading of jiangsu province economic development zone. Keywords:Manufacturing; The transformation and upgrading; The path


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