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城市规划 CITYPLANNING REVIE Vol127 No16 Jun12003 = 1002- 1329 (2003) 06- 0005- 06 = F2911 1 = A = 城镇化是我国经济和社会发展 ON THE COORDINATED DEVELOPMENT OF URBANIZA- 无法回避的必由之路其健康发展的基 TION IN CHINA ITH A NOTE ON THE CLUSTER STRUC- 本标志为, 大 小城市的协调发 TURE 展, 尽可能避免许多发达国家和发展 QIU Baoxing 国家在城市化过程 萌发的诸如: 失业 ABSTRACT: As an inevitable approachofsocialandeconomic deve-l 加剧疾病流行贫民窟泛滥环境污 opment, theprocess of urbanization in Chinashouldavoidsuch exter- 染严重犯罪率升高和生态条件恶化等 nalities as increasing unemployment rate and crime rate, epidemic of 城市病大城市具有天然的集聚和规模 illnesses, expansion of squatter, environmental pollution and deterio- 经济效益如果任凭市场机制发挥作 rating ecologicalcondition. Theseurbanproblems aremorelikely exist 用, 就会重蹈人家的覆辙但如果我们 inbig cities that are characterized with its agglomeration andscale ef- 继续将规划调控的思路局限于限制大城 fects. On theother hand, ithasbeenprovedthatthepolicy restricting 市规模的扩张, 又将无济于事事实证 growth of big city afailure, sinceit cannot controlthe scaleofcity but 明, 这一策略不但无法控制城市规模, enhancing the tendency of its expansion. This paper suggests that 反而在某种程度上强化了其摊大饼式发 more attention should bepaid to the industrialorganization, which to 展的倾向采用逆向思维) ) ) 从分析影 some extent determines the competitiveness of medium and small- 响 小城市竞争力的产业组织和城市间 scaledcities, andcompeting/coordinatingrelationshipbetween cities. 的竞争合作关系入手, 利用复杂系统的 By adoptingtheprincipleof sel-f organizing of acomplex system, the 自组织原理阐述城市内部的企业集群和 author try to findout thebasiclaw ofevolution in termsof enterprise 城市外部的城市集群的发展演进规律, clusterwithin a city and the cluster of cities, so


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