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RENASYS? EZ PLUS 积液罐 800cc 密封积液罐 250cc 密封积液罐 Confidential – For internal use only by Smith Nephew employees and sales force.?Do not publicly distribute. RENASYS? EZ PLUS 状态灯 电源“启动”指示 电量低 高压 此警报无法消音暂停 漏气 低压 积液罐 警报消音 警报消音按钮 Confidential – For internal use only by Smith Nephew employees and sales force.?Do not publicly distribute. * 电源指示 电源灯LED提示机器在治疗中 电量提示 电池LED灯提示: 绿灯闪烁= 充电中 绿灯常亮= 设备在有效备用状态中 黄灯= 电量低(大约还剩下1小时左右的工作时间) Confidential – For internal use only by Smith Nephew employees and sales force.?Do not publicly distribute. 电源开关和治疗模式一起在开/关中间选择 连续性或间歇性吸引 间歇性治疗模式= 5 分钟吸引/2 分钟暂停 Confidential – For internal use only by Smith Nephew employees and sales force.?Do not publicly distribute. * 每10mmHg 增量调节压力档 Confidential – For internal use only by Smith Nephew employees and sales force.?Do not publicly distribute. * 锁/解锁 防止不经意的改变设定 Confidential – For internal use only by Smith Nephew employees and sales force.?Do not publicly distribute. * 警报 电量低 压力过高 严重漏气 压力低 积液罐满/堵塞 Confidential – For internal use only by Smith Nephew employees and sales force.?Do not publicly distribute. * 过压警报 系统遇到极端的高压(超过-235mmHg) LED 会闪烁,声音警报也会响起。此时机器会停止治疗 关闭并重启设备,如果警报再次响起,可能有潜在的设备故障存在 此警报无法消音暂停 Confidential – For internal use only by Smith Nephew employees and sales force.?Do not publicly distribute. * 更换积液罐 1、先把设别调至待机模式 2、断开两端的管路,并将接头处塞子塞紧。 3、把防溢出保护装置从设备上拆除。 4、根据当地具体医疗废物处置原则丢弃更换下来的积液罐及相连管路 Confidential – For internal use only by Smith Nephew employees and sales force.?Do not publicly distribute. * 在以下方向机器不能正常运作 如果积液罐内已积有渗液,治疗仪即使是瞬间错误放置以上的方位也会造成机器的错误警报,如积液罐满警报或伤口部位压力低警报,此时需要更换积液罐来纠正错误。 Confidential – For internal use only by Smith Nephew employees and sales force.?Do not publicly distribute. 打开负压治疗仪的开关 持续按压总按钮2秒钟 RENASYS? GO会自动记载并默认上次治疗选择的压力值 Confidential – For internal use only by Smith Nephew employees and sales force.?Do not publicly distribute. 打开RENASYS? GO负压治疗仪时会自动记载并默认上次治疗选择的压力值 开始负压治疗 1. 选择压力水平 2. 选择按钮 Confidential – For internal use only by Smith Nephew employees


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