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. . PAGE 2 Word格式 语法填空解题指导与训练 题型指导 题型解读:语法填空这种题型的显著特点都是将语言知识或语法知识放在语篇中进行考察. 与原有题型对比: 少了选项的干扰 多了水平的发挥 能力要求: 词汇量 构词法的变化和运用 较强的句子分析能力与语法运用能力 对文章大意的理解及上下文语义、语境的逻辑判断及推理能力 考查内容与形式: 动词: 非谓语动词,助动词,情态动词,时态; 并列连词; 从句引导词; 代词:人称代词,物主代词,不定代词; 介词:搭配用法; 冠词; 名词:名词词组; 构词法:形容词,比较级、最高级,固定搭配,,副词,派生词。 解题技巧: 快速通读全文,把握中心意思。 弄清文章的体裁和题材、写作主线。 注意分析长句和复合句的句子结构。 注意上下文的联系。 根据上下文,分析空白处应填的词语的词性和语义。 对所填词语的语法形式是否准确进行检查。 常用考查项: 1 非谓语动词:to v., ved, ving 2 助动词:do,did,does,will,shall,has,have,had(在时语态中考查) 3 情态动词:can,should,must 等。(考查基本用法,猜测,虚拟等) 4. 短语动词 5. 并列连词:and,or,but,so等 6. 三大从句引导词。 7. 代词: 人称代词,物主代词,不定代词等。 解题过程训练 语法填空(1) On her 80th birthday,Nobel Prize-winning author Pearl Buck was asked if she wished to be young again.She quickly replied,“Wish to be young again? No,for I have learned too much to lose if.I am a far 1 (value)person today than I was 30 years ago,or 20 years ago,or 15,10 or even 5.I have learnt so much 2 I was 70.” Buck understood that life isn’meant to be lived on bell curve(钟形曲线).We don’t go up for a while and then,after a certain age,begin a downhill slide. 3 ,we are able to continue on an upward trend.And one of the most significant ways we can do that is by learning from the lives of 4 --especially children. When we take time 5 (share)what we’ve learned with the children in our lives。we offer them something 6 they can get nowhere else--the treasure of experience.When I think back to the many positive influences on 7 childhood,I recognize that some of the greatest gifts I 8 (receive)are the lessons I collected from the older people in my life.I still remember clearly 9 Grandpa Maxwell always encouraged and taught us kids when he came to visit.He never left our house 10 sharing his life experiences.Those time shaped our lives so much! 解题思路: 1.快速通读全文 2.请根据句子结构,试判断每个空格所填词的词性或语法功能。 (1)_______ (2)_______ (3)_______ (4)____ ____ (5)________ (6)__


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