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英语音标练习——绕口令(Tongue Twister) 初级 使用建议:首先一定要将每个单词的确切发音弄清楚,否则练习越多错得越牢固。 其次,对于自己总是读错的绕口令,说明自己对这个辨音出现了问题,要将单个单词读熟,然后再两两,三三直至整句练习。 最后希望大家勤加练习,利用一切琐碎时间,比如等车或者途中,等等。祝成功! /i:/ See the breeze ,Teasing the tree ,Weaving the leaves ,And shaking them free . /i/ Silly Billy ! Silly Billy !Silly Billy loves lily.Why is Silly Billy silly?Why does Silly Billy love lily ?Silly Billy isn’t silly . /p/ Peter’s plane is plainly painted .Peter is paid plenty to paint planes .Peter’s plane is plainly painted .Peter is paid plenty to paint planes . /b/ There dwelt a bear , also a boar .The bear could not bear the boar .The boar though the bear a bore. A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood. A big black bug bit a big black bear. Wheres the big black bear the big black bug bit? /t/ Two ticket takers took a taxi . A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail. /d/ Debbie did not destroy Darrells dishes . Darrell destroyed Debbies dishes. Diligence dismisses the despondency. /e/ Eddie’s enemies envied Eddie’s energy , but Eddie never envied his enemies’ energy . /?/ A mad man says that Amanda has captured a fat panda . /k/ Keep clean socks in a clean sock stack .Keep clean stockings in a clean stocking stack . /g/ The guests act glad to get the grits ,but the guests agree that Gretchen’s garlic grits are gross . /?:/ When the murmur and chirp of the early bird is first heard by the earthworm ,it squirms in the earth nervously . /?/ The bottom of the butter bucket is the buttered bucket bottom .“The bun is better buttered ,” Buffy muttered . /f/ Fifty-five fire fighters fried fifty-five French fries . /v/ Various visitors visited the village . /θ/ I thought a thought but the thought I thought I thought was not the thought I thought .If the thought I thought had been the thought I thought I thought ,I would not have thought so much . / e / I’d rather bathe in a southern sea than w


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