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试题A 1. ( ) Which of the following is not considered to be essential knowledge for a welding inspector? (下列哪项不是焊接检验员的主要知识?) a. nondestructive testing (无损检测) b. welding symbols (焊接符号) c. welding design (焊接设计) d. welding processes (焊接方法) e. destructive testing (破坏性试验) 2. ( ) Inclusions in a weld will appear on a radiograph as (焊缝夹杂和夹渣在射线片上上显示 为) a. a dark spot (暗点) b. a light spot (亮点) c. a generalized gray area of varying contrast (不明显的灰色区域) d. either a dark or light spot or area depending on the relative absorption ration of the part material and the inclusion material (按夹杂物不同的相对射线吸收率显示为亮点或暗点) e. none of the above ( 以上均不对) 3. ( ) Backing strips or bars should be removed from all welds: (衬垫应从所有焊缝上去除) a. Always (总是) b. Never (从不) c. Optional (可选择) 4. ( ) Prior to starting the job assignment, the welding inspector should determine: (在开始指 定的工作前,焊接检验员应先确定:) a. what code, standard, or specification applies (适用的法规,标准和规程) b. when inspections should be conducted (何时开始检验) c. what additional tests (inspections) are needed (什么是附加的试验和检验) d. where records are maintained (记录保存在何处) e. all of the above ( 以上全对) 5. ( ) The required spot weld size can be shown as: (点焊尺寸可表示为) a. a dimension to the right of the symbol (焊接符号右侧的尺寸) b. a dimension of the required nugget diameter (熔核尺寸) c. a value for the required shear strength (要求的剪切强度值) d. a and b above (上述a 和 b) e. b and c above (上述b 和 c) 6. ( ) For the welding inspector, what are the most important means of gaining the cooperation and respect of fellow coworkers: (作为焊接检验员,什么是获得同事合作和尊重的最主要 方法:) a. ability to be trained (学习能力) b. professional attitude (专业的态度) c. ability to complete and maintain inspection records (完成和保持检验记录的能力) d. good physical condition ( 良好的身体状况) e. ability to interpret drawings and specifications (解释图纸和标准的能力) 7. ( ) Groove welds make without backup strip, with complete penetration must have: (无衬垫 全焊透坡口焊缝必须:


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