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第三章 Characteristics of SAR Images(合成孔径雷达图像特征) SAR Imaging - Slant Range Projection(斜距投影) The location of pixels in the image plane is dependent on the slant ranges between the antenna and the ground objects 地物目标在像平面上的位置取决于目标与雷达天线之间的距离 Incident Angle(入射角) (Nominal) Incident angle (名义入射角) --angle between the radar illumination and the normal to the ground surface. (雷达入射方向和地面法线的夹角) -- the incident angle increases from the near range to the far range (雷达图像的近距到远距,入射角增大) Local incident angle(局部入射角) -- angle between the radar LOS and the line normal to the local slope. (雷达入射方向与局部坡度法线的夹角) Geometric Characteristics of SAR Imaging(几何特征) Foreshortening(透视收缩) Radar shadow(雷达阴影) Layover(叠影) Diagram of Foreshortening(透视收缩) 地形特征压缩. 斜坡面与雷达入射方向正交(局部入射角为0)时,透视收缩最严重 局部入射角增大时,透视收缩减弱;当到90度时,透视收缩消失,但阴影出现 Diagram of Shadow (阴影) 雷达波没有照射到的地方 没有回波,暗色调 高目标的背面容易出现阴影 局部入射角增大时,阴影变严重 Diagram of Layover (叠影) 目标上部的回波比底部的回波先到达接收天线 目标的顶部发生位移,相对与底部倒置 叠影是透视收缩的极端情况 名义入射角小时,叠影更显著 Exercise: 区分几何形变? Understanding geometric distortions from local incident angle 理解几何形变 Radiometric Characteristics of SAR Image (辐射特征) Fading(衰退) Speckle(斑点) Fading and speckle(衰退和斑点) Fading and speckle are the inherent “noise-like” processes in a coherent imaging system (衰退和斑点是相干成像系统固有的噪声过程) Radar total echo wave in a resolution cell is the joint contribution of echo wave from different small scatters within the resolution cell.(分辨单元的雷达回波是分辨单元内小散射体回波的综合贡献) Fading and speckle(衰退和斑点) Fading is the variation of amplitude of total radar echo wave (衰退之总雷达回波幅度的变化) Speckle refers the constructive (相长) and destructive(相消) interference of radar echo waves, appearing in the image as bright or dark (斑点指雷达回波的相长或相消叠加,在影像上表现为明或暗) 为什么要削弱斑点噪声 The presence of speckle noise must be considered before further analysis Reduction of speckle noise allow: Better discrimination of scene targets 目标识别 Easier (automatic) image registration 影像匹配 Easier (automatic) image segmentation 图像分割 … Speckle suppression(斑点抑制) Avera


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