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stock with inventory stock: All the goods and materials that are stored by an organization for future use. 存货: 是由商业组织中所有储存的、以备将来使用的物料和商品所组成。 inventory: A list of the items held in stock(存货清单) 库存: 指的是存储的一系列物料。 Each entry in the inventory is a distinct item is held in stock. 库存中的每个单项都代表着众多存货中某一种特有的物料种类。 Stock keeping unit(库存单位) Each item is sold in standard quantities or units. 每件商品以标准的销售数量单位出售。(Box; Carton; Pallet; Container) safety stock A reserve of materials that is held for emergencies. 安全库存是用以应对突发事件的物料储备。 应对需求的不确定性,防止缺货,从而提高服务水平。 supply chain Series of activities and organization that materials move through on their journey from initial suppliers to final customers. 供应链是包括物料从最初的供应商向最终的客户运动过程中所涉及的一系列商业组织和运作行为。 物流或供应链管理是对物料的流转进行管理的职能。 供应链特点: Length refers to number of tiers that materials flow through between source and destination. 供应链的长度是指供应链中物料从源头向目的地流转过程中所需要通过的层级或媒介的数量。 Breadth is number of parallel routes that materials can move through on their way to final customers. 供应链的宽度是物料向最终客户流动的过程中可以经过的并行的路径。 stock in transit stock on wheels(Being moved from one location to another) 在途库存是指尚未到达目的地、正处于运输状态或等待运输状态而储备在运输工具中的库存。 deliveries from suppliers Deliveries from suppliers are relatively large and infrequent. Demands from customers are smaller and more frequently. 供应商的交货量相对较大,且频率小。 客户的需求量较小且频繁。 length of stock cycle Length of stock cycle can vary between a few hours and decades. 库存调整的波动,未必具有固定的时间长短,但由于其与经济周期的紧密联系,一般也称为库存周期。 information sharing 与物料的实物流动相配合的是相关的信息流,信息流连接着供应链的各个组成部分,肩负着传递多方面相关信息的使命。 供应链的竞争力体现在具有增值意义的信息交换。 Cooperation?in?supply?chain 牛鞭效应 8. prefer three-bin system rather than two-bin system Two-bin system:Stock of an item is kept in two separate bins, A and B. bin B contains an amount equal to reorder level, and all remaining stock is in bin A. (物料的库存保存在两个单独的仓中,A和B。仓B包含等于再订购级别的金额,所有剩余库存都在仓A中。) Stock is used from bin A until it is empty. It is time to place another order. Then stock is used from bin B until the order arrives. (库存从仓A开始使用,直到清空。是时候下一个订单了。



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