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第一章 七年级下册知识点复习 Unit 5 and unit 6 频度副词及用法 :频度副词主要指一定时间内动作发生的次数。 I always go to school by bike.(100%) usually go to work by car.(80%) I often go to school by bus.(60%) I sometimesgo to school by subway.(40%) I seldomgo to school on foot.(20%) I never go to school by taxi.(0%) 除此之外,常见的这类副词及短语还有: everyday, twice a week, once a week等 注意: 对频度副词用 How often 提问: 例: 1. How often does he go to the park? Twice a week. 2. How often do you go to the library? Everyday ! 交通方式的表达 交通工具 : bus taxi bike train plane subway car等等。 B. 乘坐交通工具,用 by+交通工具,中间不加任何词 :by bike, by bus, by plane/by air ? 除此之外,还可用其他词汇这样表达: take a bus, ride a bike, take a taxi, walk to ? 对交通方式或者方式的提问用 how,e.g. How do you go home? I go home on foot. How does she go to work? By bus. 1 3. 关于借物 : borrow, lend, keep Borrow: 短暂性动词,指从别人那里借来东西。 Lend: 指把自己的东西借出去给别人, lend sth. to sb. Keep: 持续性动词,可指 “借多久 ”, 可以接时间段。 练习: May I ______ your knife? Please ______ it to me. You can ______ them for 3 days. 4. There be 句型 :表示某地或某时存在某人,某事或或某物。谓语使用 就近原则。 e.g. Thereis an orange and two apples on the table. 将来时结构为: There is going to be ? / there will be ? e.g. There is going to be a meeting tomorrow morning. 句型变化: a. Is there a computer in your study? Yes, there is./ No, there isn ’t. b. Are there any shoes under the bed? Yes, there are./ No, there aren ’ t. c. What is on the table? There is a knife and a fork. 与“have”的区别: have 指 “某人拥有什么 ”, 强调所属关系。 e.g. I have many science books. 2 课堂小练习 1. There ______ any rice in the bowl. A. are B. Is C. isn ’t D. aren ’t There ______ many apples on the tree last year. have been B. were C. are D. is There ______ a film tomorrow evening. will have B. have C. is going to be D. has There is some milk in the bottle, ______? A. isn ’t there B. aren ’t there C. isn ’t it D. are there 5. How many boys ______ there in the Class One? A. be B. is C. are D. am 6. There ______ a lot of good news in today ’s newspaper. A. is B. are C. was D. were There ______ pencil-box, and some flowers on the desk. is a B


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