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Note-Writing Basic Information 便条(右称短筏)作为专业英语四级考试对英语应用文的考查点之一,是每年的固定题目。2005年专业四级考试大纲将便条的分值由5分增至10分。 考试大纲对英语专业写作便条部分的测试要求是“根据提示写大约50-60个词的便条。要求做到格式正确,语言得体。考试时间为10分钟。” 便条根据其用途可分成很多种类,经常考到的种类包括:邀请类便条、致歉类便条、慰问类便条、致谢类便条和祝贺类便条等。 便条写作是专业四级考试中得分很有灵活性的题目,既可得满分,也可得低分。其得分高低的关键之一在于格式是否正确。考试大纲对英语专业写作测试要求中提到:“便条写作最主要的是注意格式正确。”因此,我们首先要熟练掌握便条写作的格式。 Criteria of Note-Writing Format of Note (3 points) - Date (1 point) - Salutation (1 point) - The close/the addresser (1 point) Content (3 points) All the necessary information should be mentioned Language (4 points) The first sentence should not be copied from the direction If language and expression are not good (including grammar and spelling mistakes), minus 0.5~1.5 points; if there are more than three spelling mistakes, minus 1 point. Criteria of Note-Writing Grading criteria as a whole 5 points would be given if the note contains no serious language mistakes, is written in correct format, with complete content and appropriate language, plus the number of words is between 40 and 80. The total number of words should be about 50~60; 1 point would be deducted if the number of words is less than 40 or more than 80. Format of Note Indented Style Format of Note Block Style 1. Heading: month + date January 1 (or: January 1st), or: Jan. 1 February 2 (or: February 2nd), or: Feb. 2 March 3 (or: March 3rd), no short form April 4 (or: April 4th), no short form May 5 (or: May 5th), no short form June 6 (or: June 6th), no short form July 7 (or: July 7th), no short form August 8 (or: August 8th), or Aug.8 September 9 (or: September 9th), or: Sept.9 or: Sep. 9 October 10 (or: October 10th), or: Oct. 10 November 11 (or: November 11th), or: Nov. 11 December 12 (or: December 12th), or Dec. 12 2. Salutation: Dear Mr. ---, Dear Miss ---, Dear Mrs. ---, Dear Ms. ---, Dear Prof. ---, Dear Doc. ---, Dear Sir or Madam, Dear David, 3. Body (50-60 words): As required. 4. Signature: As suggested. 200


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