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Where Principles Come First;I. Related Information ;;One of Hyde’s basic purposes is to develop students’ character. This focus on character unleashes the deepest motivation in students’ self-discovery. The school helps students answer the following three questions: -Who am I? -Where am I going? -What do I need to do to get there?; ;Five Principles; Attitude more than aptitude Effort more than ability Character more than talent ;;;;;;;;II. School Mottos (校训) ;The truth shall make you free;Harvard University;Die Luft der Freiheit weht;University of Cambridge Hinc lucem et pocula sacra. Here light and sacred draughts.;Mens et Manus Mind and Hand;Princeton University Dei sub numine viget Under Gods power she flourishes ;Fiat Lux Let There Be Light;Imperial College London Scientia imperii decus et tutamen (科学是帝国的光彩和守护者);Yale University ;1、北京大学:思想自由,兼容并包 2、清华大学:自强不息,厚德载物 3、上海交通大学:饮水思源,爱国荣校 4、复旦大学:博学而笃志 切问而近思 5、武汉大学:自强、弘毅、求是、拓新 6、浙江大学:求是,创新 7、中国人民大学:实事求是 8、南京大学:励学敦行,诚朴雄伟; 9、 吉林大学:励志图强,求实创新 10、中山大学:博学 审问 慎思 明辨 笃行 11、北京师范大学:学为人师,行为世范 12、华中科技大学:明德厚学、求是创新 13、四川大学:海纳百川,有容乃大 14、中国科技大学:勤奋学习,红专并进,理实交融 15、南开大学:允公允能,日新月异;1.Publicity n. 1)宣传;报道 2)(媒体或公众的)关注 2.Cultivate v. 1)耕作;种植 ;栽培 Eg: The people cultivate mainly rice and beans. 2)培养(某种态度、形象或技能);陶冶思想(感情) Eg: We should cultivate a positive mental attitude. 3)结交(朋友);建立(友谊) Eg: China has done much to cultivate the friendship of African countries. 3.Comprehensive adj.1)综合性的;全面的;广泛的 Eg: comprehensive school 2)有理解力的;能充分理解的;悟性好的; ;4.Controversial adj. 有争议的;引发争论的 Controvert v.争论,反驳,否定 controversy n.争论;争??;辩论 5.Character n. 1)(人的)性格,个性 Eg: Perhaps you didn’t see the negative side in his character. 2)人物;人 Eg: What a sad character she is! 3)人品;品行 Eg: Mr Smith is a man of good character. 4) (电影、书、戏剧里的)人物,角色 Eg: The centra


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