我国老字号品牌经营研究 毕业论文.doc

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目 录 PAGE 6 PAGE 5 摘 要 PAGE 5 我国老字号品牌经营研究 — 以北京同仁堂为例探索老字号品牌改革之路 摘 要 摘要:随着我国经济的迅速发展,跨国公司纷纷逐鹿中国市场,以其丰富超前的意识和竞争实力大举占领中国市场,中国本土企业已没有足够的时间去操练备战,只能匆促上阵,在实战中探索着前进。一方面,老字号品牌有着悠久的历史和响亮名声,同时具有独特的传统文化特色,是中华优秀传统文化的一部分,其本身就是宝贵的无形资产。另一方面,在当今市场经济的冲击下,许多老字号品牌经营萎缩,境地困顿,老字号的生存与发展备受瞩目。 本文通过对我国目前老字号品牌经营现状的分析,并以北京同仁堂为例,重点研究老字号品牌的维护对策,以期在实践中指导老字号品牌的改革。 关键词:老字号;北京同仁堂;品牌;改革 Abstract Abstract Abstract Study on Time- Honored Brand management in China Taking the Beijing Tongrentang as an example explores the road of reformation ABSTRACT With the rapid development of economy, there are great changes taking place in China. A lot of international companies come to China to develop their market. They depend on the wealthy consciousness and powerful competition to occupy China marketing. The local companies have no time to prepare but to face it directly. On one hand, Time- Honored Brand has a long and famous history in China with its special traditional culture character. The brand itself is precious intangible assets. On another hand, lots of Time- Honored Brand has suffered bankruptcy and fell into a dilemma which cannot last for long under the impact of the present market economy. The survival and development of the Time- Honored Brand causes people′s attention. The paper explored the countermeasure of Time- Honored Brand should take care of,by the analysis of the management status of the Chinese Time- Honored Brand, taking the Beijing Tongrentang.Then expect the solutions I suggested below could direct the reformation of Time-Honored Brand. Key words: Time- Honored Brand; Beijing Tongrentang; brand; reformation 目 录 我国老字号品牌研究 12 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 2004 第1章 绪 论 5 22231 1.1 引言 5 13962 1.2 研究的背景及意义 5 32616 第2章 老字号品牌概念概述 5 16987 2.1 品牌概念 5 24718 2.2 老字号品牌概念 6 20931 第3章 我国老字号品牌经营现状及分析 6 22506 3.1 我国老字号品牌经营现状 6 16529 3.2 我国老字号品牌经营中的问题 7 15358 3.2.1 老字号企业体制老化 7 30080 3.2.2 品牌维护的漠视 7 8653 3.2.3 老字号品牌宣传力度缺乏 7 15835 3.2.4 老字号品牌国际化严重滞后 8 17541 第4章 我国老字号品牌


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