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Unit2 What a day!知识点详解 20th September (读法: the twentieth of September ) September 20th ( 读法:September the twentieth ) 日期的表示方法:1)the + 日子(序数词)+ of + 月份 2)月份+ the + 日子(序数词) 在7月5日: on the fifth of July/ July the fifth 在3月18日:on the eighteenth of March March the eighteenth (在具体日期前,用“on”) It was sunny in the morning. 表示天气的句型:It be + 形容词。 例:It is sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy. 询问天气: What be the weather like? How be the weather? 名词 形容词 sun (the sun) sunny wind windy cloud(s) cloudy rain rainy snow (雪) snowy (下雪的) fog(雾) foggy(多雾的) storm(s)(暴风雨) stormy(暴风雨的) a sunny/rainy…(形容词) day Su Hai, Mike, Liu Tao and I went to the park by bike. by “乘坐”是表示一种方式,是状语,前面一定要有动词 骑自行车去公园 go to the park by bike = ride a bike to the park 乘公交车去上学go to school by bus = take a bus to school 步行去学校go to school on foot = walk to school We saw some interesting parrots. saw(see的过去式) see(看见) 和 look at(看) 的区别: look at 表示看的动作,see 表示看的结果 考点:interested的主语通常是人,interesting 的主语通常是物 I am interested in swimming. (be interested in sth./doing sth.) The book is very interesting. 同类词:excited --exciting The weather became windy and cloudy. become+形容词 “变得……” became(become的过去式) It was time for lunch. It’s time (for sb) to do sth. It’s time for + 名词/动词ing (对某人来说)是….的时间了/该(做)…了。 It’s time for bed.= It’s time to go to bed. It’s time for some drinks. = It’s time to have some drinks. We brought some dumplings, some bread and honey and some drinks. bread是不可数名词,我们常说a piece of bread (一片面包)或some bread。 honey是不可数名词 Ants like honey. brought(bring的过去式) bring和take的区别 bring :把某物带来某地 bring …to… (从远处带到近处) take :把某物带去某地 take… to …( 从近处带到远处) 下雨了。It rained. / It rains./ It is raining. 天气是多雨的。It was/is rainy.(be+rainy) 语法我来讲 不规则动词过去式 一览表 听我



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