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8. accustom ?(L23) (~ oneself/sb/sth to sth ) make oneself, etc used to sth 使自己等习惯於某事物: She accustomed herself to shedding tears after disappointment in love. 失恋后,她习惯了一个人独自落泪。 accustomed adj [pred 作表语] be ~ to sth =be used to sth 习惯於某事物: He gradually became accustomed to drinking a bit of wine in the lonely night with a melancholy mood. 他慢慢习惯了在孤独的夜晚喝一杯孤独的酒。 9.absorb ?(L36) v [Tn] take (sth) in; suck up 吸收(某事物); 吸进: Plants absorb oxygen. 植物吸收氧气. (fig 比喻) Clever children absorb knowledge easily. 聪明孩子容易吸收知识. absorbed adj with ones attention fully held 精神集中的: She was absorbed in playing her cell phone, taking no notice of what Yin was saying. 她埋头玩手机,不搭理尹正讲话. 10.In the end, my father would thunder like an echoing drum: … (L37) 最后,老爸会像隆隆的鼓声对我大声喝道:… 11. Slam ( L39 ): to close/strike/slam violently. (slammed; slamming) Close the door carefully, don’t slam it. Slam the window (shut). 把窗户使劲关上. He slammed the lid down. 他砰的一声盖上了盖子. 11. Well-meaning ( L47): wanting to have a good effect, but not always achieving one 我知道他是好意的,但更希望他让我们自己待一会儿。 I know he’s well-meaning, but I wish he’d leave us alone. Para. 9 12.He was ready to stand by Susie’s side, to greet well-meaning friends and relatives, and to receive the traditional compliments as he shook hands with those who sang praises to his wisdom in guiding his daughter toward a promising career in Law. 他准备站在Susie旁边,边迎接好心的亲朋好友们,边与他们握手言笑,并接受那些惯例性的赞美。他们会赞美他的睿智,即如此明智地引导女儿走向一个充满前途的法律职业。 Group Discussion: Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your parents? If so, what is the best way to solve the problem? Solution stand in the other’s shoes give each other chances of understanding and making mistake be forgiving and consideration talk freely and equally In my opinion, most problems between parents and children could be solved by joint efforts of both sides to enhance mutual understanding. It goes without saying that communication is the most effective way to broke the ice between people. Sol



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