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框架结构毕业设计方案计算书 土木工程2013届毕业设计 PAGE 毕业设计计算书 (2013届) 新兴建设集团办公楼结构设计 学生姓名 朱娟娟 学 号 院 系 工学院土木系 专 业 土木工程 指导教师 杨秋伟 完成日期 2013-5-18 PAGE III 新兴建设集团办公楼结构设计 摘 要 本次设计主要是针对某市拟建的一多层办公楼的结构设计。本工程主体为高19.24m的五层框架结构,1层的建筑层高为2.5m,2层的层高为4.2m,3~5层建筑层高为3.6m,总建筑面积1063m2。 本工程结构设计采用框架结构,结构计算按横向框架承重分析。内力计算考虑以下四种荷载作用,即竖向恒载作用下的内力,活载作用下的内力,风载作用下的内力及水平地震荷载作用下的内力。 根据所给的建筑施工图,首先完成结构参数估算,确定计算简图,并计算出框架抗侧移刚度及荷载;然后通过弯矩二次分配法、D值法等计算方法进行结构内力计算,最终求得各种荷载下结构的内力图;通过PKPM软件建模计算,对比分析手算结果,最终获得柱、梁、板的施工图。 关键词:框架结构;PKPM电算;内力计算;抗震设计;结构施工图 OFFICE BUILDING STRUCTURE DESIGN OF NEW CONSTRUTION GROUP ABSTRACT This design is mainly structural design for a multi-storey office building. The main project for the frame structure of storeys high 19.24m, 1 layer of the building height is 2.5m, 2 layer height is 4.2m, 3~5layers of building height is 3.6m, a total construction area is 1063m2. This engineering construction design adopts the frame construction, structure calculation bearing transverse framework is used to analysis. Internal force calculation consider of the following four loads, they are internal force under the action of vertical constant load, internal force under the action of live load, intern force under the action of wind load and internal force under horizontal seismic load. First of all, according to the building construction drawing, I estimate the parameters of structural, determine the calculation diagram ,and figure out the Framework’s lateral stiffness and load; Then calculate the internal force for structural through calculation method such as the Moment Distribution Method,D value method, and finally get the structure’s internal force diagram under different load; Secondly, through the PKPM software modeling calculation, contrast the result of the handle count, obtain the final column, beam and the board of construction. KEY WORDS :frame structure; PKPM computing; internal force calculation; seismic design; structur


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