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Evaluation Form for Graduate Student Academic Visiting Program of Soochow University
学号 Student No.
留学机构 Institution of study
姓名 Name
性别 Gender
抵达日期Date of arrival
学习研修期限 Duration of stay 年 月 日 年 月 日
海外导师或研究合作者姓名Professor’s Name and Surname
一、个人总结The statement of the visitor
(是否完成访学计划?如果完成是如何完成的?如果没有完成原因是什么?Have you finished your visiting plan? If yes, how did you accomplish? If no, what contributed to the failure?)
签名 Signature:
日期 Date:
国(境)外导师或研究合作者评语 Evaluation from supervisor abroad
Thank you for taking the time to complete this important form. This form is due at the end of the student’s academic visiting study project. Please sign the completed evaluation.
Evaluation form key:
1=unsatisfactory; 2=needs improvement; 3=satisfactory; 4=above average; 5=outstanding
_____ Quality of academic visiting study and research (accurate and thorough)
_____ Quantity of academic visiting study and research (meet goals set by department)
_____ Use of time (efficient/effective use of time to complete tasks)
_____ Initiative (ability to finish study and research independently)
_____ Communication skills: _____ Verbal; _____ Written
_____ Grasp of subject (understanding of applicable standards and procedures)
_____ Interpersonal relations/teamwork (effectiveness in working with peers and supervisors)
_____ Adaptability (ability to alter activities to accommodate change)
_____ Dependability : _____ Punctuality; _____ Attendance
_____ Problem solving/critical thinking skills
Strengths of the student:
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Areas for improvement:
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