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(1) 强调某种时间概念 I had never thought I’d be happy to find myself considered unimportant. But this time I was. 以往我从未想过,当我发觉人们认为我是无足轻重时,我会感到高兴。但这次情况确实如此。 (2) 强调时间上的对比 The old man said, “They say his father was a fisherman. Maybe he was as poor as we are.” 老头儿说:“听人说,从前他爸爸是个打鱼的。他过去也许跟我们现在一样穷。” * ppt课件 6) Adding measure word Once, they had a quarrel. 有一次,他们争吵了一番。 Herb gave her a sly look. 赫伯狡猾地看了她一眼。 I was extremely worried about her, but this was neither the place nor the time for a lecture or an argument. 我真替她万分担忧,但此时此地,既不宜教训她一番,也不宜与她争论一通。 * ppt课件 7)Adding the generality word 英语和汉语都有概括词。英语中的in short, and so on, etc. ,翻译时可分别译为“总之”、“等等”。 但有时英语句子中并没有概括词,而翻译时却往往增加“两人”、“双方”、“等”、“等等”、“凡此种种”等概括词,同时省略英语中的连接词。 * ppt课件 Like most wildlife,deer reproduce,grow,and store fat in the summer and fall when there is plenty of nutritious food available. 与大多数野生动物一样,鹿在营养丰富、食物充足的夏秋两季,繁殖、生长储存脂肪。 * ppt课件 8) Adding the linking word Yes, I like Chinese food. Lots of people do these days, sort of the fashion. 不错,我喜欢中国菜。现在很多人喜欢中国菜,这种情况算是有点赶时髦吧! * ppt课件 (2) 强势用it It was only then that I began to have doubts whether my story would ever be told. 只是在这个时候,我才开始怀疑,我的经历究竟能不能公诸于众呢! It was with some difficulty that he found the way to his own house. 他费了不少劲才找到了回家的路。 * ppt课件 3) 省略连接词 (1)省略并列连接词 He looked gloomy and troubled. 他看上去有些忧愁不安。 Mr. Smith was good-looking and gentleman-like. 史密斯先生相貌英俊,彬彬有礼。 * ppt课件 (2)省略从属连接词 Because the departure was not easy, we made it brief. 告别这件事难受得很,我们就作的简短一些。 If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了。春天还会远吗? * ppt课件 (3) 省略表示时间的连接词 John rose gloomily as the train stopped, for he was thinking of his ailing mother. 火车停了,约翰郁郁地站了起来,因为他想起了病中的母亲。 * ppt课件 4) 省略冠词 A teacher should have patience in his work. 当教员的应当有耐心。 The horse is a useful animal. 马是有益的动物。 * ppt课件 5) 省略前置词 (1)省略表示时间的前置词 The People’s Republic of C


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