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* Module 2 No Drugs 动词不定式作状语 动词不定式在句中作状语, 主要用来修饰动词和形容词, 也可用来修饰副词。在句中, 不定式可作目的状语、结果状语、原因状语、条件状语等。本单元主要讲解不定式用作目的状语和结果状语的情况。 动词不定式作目的状语 不定式作目的状语, 意为“为了……; 以便于……” , 常用to do, in order to do, so as to do, so / such ... as to do 等结构。如: The teacher explained the sentence clearly to be understood. He promised to make all efforts so as to help us. 注意: 不定式作目的状语时, 其动作通常迟于谓语动词的动作。如: I said that to encourage him. 2. 作目的状语的不定式之前, 常常加上in order 或 so as, 以突出或强调目的的含义。如: I am working hard in order to get a better result. 3. 如用于表示否定, in order 或 so as不能省略, 用 in order not to do 或 so as not to do形式。如: I walked quietly so as not to disturb the baby. 4. 不定式作目的状语可转换为 so that / in order that 或 so ... that ... 引导的目的状语从句。如: He worked very hard to pass the exam. →He worked so hard that he could pass the exam. →He worked hard so that / in order that he could pass the exam. 动词不定式作结果状语 不定式作结果状语时, 一般出现在被修饰动词之前, 常用于以下结构: 1. too ... to ...意为太……以至不……。如: The box is too heavy for me to carry. 2. “not + 形容词/副词+ enough to do” 意为不够……而不能……。如: We are not old enough to vote and to be voted. 3. only to do表示意料之外的事情发生。如: He went back home happily only to find his house had been broken into. 4. so / such ... as to 意为“如此……以 至于……”。如: She is so proud as to look down upon others. 注意: too ... to ...中too后跟的是pleased, glad, anxious, willing, ready等形容词时, 不表示否定的概念, 而是意为“很、非常”。如: The mother was too anxious to see her son. The girl was too ready to cry. Complete these sentences, using in order to or so as to. 1. He broke into the house __________________________________. 2. A lot of people visit the centre _____________________________________. 3. Drug users have to steal things ________________________________. 4. The government is starting an advertising campaign ______________________________ __________________. in order to/ so as to save the old man in order to/ so as to see that famous statue in order to/ so as to pay for drugs


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