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PAGE PAGE 11 本科生毕业论文 企业年金投资管理研究 姓  名 学  号 专  业 指导教师 摘 要 年金作为由企业提供的养老金,是我国养老保障的三大支柱之一,是企业员工福利计划的重要组成部分,随着我国进入老龄化时代,保障体制改革进入关键时期,鼓励和引导有条件的企业尽快建立适合国情的企业年金制度、规范企业年金运营体系和提高企业年金资金运用效率已显得十分迫切而且非常必要;但是现阶段我国企业年金管理普遍存在很多问题,比如说企业年金运用渠道狭窄、收益率不稳定、风险管理措施能力不足以及监管体系不完善等,这些问题成为制约我国企业年金管理的瓶颈,这些问题主要是由于我国资本市场的基本情况决定的,我国资本市场发展处于初级阶段,企业年金制度也只有十几年的发展历史,投资渠道狭窄、专业的管理人才匮乏以及监管层面的漏洞是不可避免的,存在这样那样的问题也是很正常的,这需要我们在发展的过程中不断的发现解决问题,并积极的学习国外成熟市场的先进投资管理经验,加以消化利用。 关键词:企业年金;投资;资本市场;风险管理 ?MACROBUTTON NoMacro [Click and type abstract text here.] Abstract Annuity as a pension provided by the enterprise, is the three pillars of old-age security is one of the employees an important component of welfare programs, as China entered the aging time, security system into the critical period, to encourage and guide the conditional business conditions as quickly as possible for annuity system, standard operating system for corporate pension funds and improve the efficiency of enterprise annuities have become very urgent and very necessary; but at this stage a lot of enterprise annuity management of common problems, such as the use of narrow channels of the enterprise annuity yield instability, lack of capacity and the risk management measures imperfect regulatory system, these problems as a constraint to the bottleneck of enterprise annuity management, these problems mainly due to the basic situation of Chinas capital market decision, Chinas capital market development in the initial stage of , corporate pension system, only ten years of development history, the narrow investment channels, lack of professional management personnel and regulatory aspects of the vulnerability is inevitable, there is no such problem as it is very natural that we need in the process of development constantly found to solve the problem, and active learning of foreign investment in the mature markets of the advanced management experience, to digest use. Key Words: annuity;investment;capital markets;risk management 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h



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