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卢教院附校2009学年第一学期第一次质量监控考试 班级__________________ 姓名_____________________ 学号____________________(六年级英语) 班级__________________ 姓名_____________________ 学号____________________ (时间:70分钟,满分:100 答案全部写在答题纸上 ) Part 1 Listening (25%) ( 第一部分 听力 ) I. Listen and choose the right picture. ( 根据听到的内容, 选出相应的图片) 5% 1 __________ 2. _________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ____________ II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer. (根据对话,选择正确的答案)8% ( ) 1.A The boy’s mother. B. The boy’s teacher C. The boy’s old sister. D. The boy’s younger sister ( ) 2. A. The girl’s B. The boy’s uncle C. The girl’s uncle’s D. The boy’s uncle’s ( ) 3. A. By car B. By bus C. On foot D. By bike ( ) 4. A. On the boy’s bed B. On the woman’s bed C. Under the boy’s bed D. Under the woman’s bed ( ) 5. A. The black one B. The white one C. The yellow one D. The brown one ( ) 6.A. Danny B. Ben C. Mary D. Jack ( ) 7. A They are in the same class. B. They help each other. C. They go to school together. D. They do their homework together. ( ) 8. A. In her hand B. In the sky C. In the tree D. In the street III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false. (听短文,判断正误)6% ( ) 1. Ben is my classmate. ( ) 2. Ben is good at football after school . ( ) 3. We often play football after school . ( ) 4. He likes maths very much.. ( ) 5. He often helps me with my English. ( ) 6. He wants to be a doctor when he grows up. IV. Listen and complete the table (听短文,填写表格)6% Susan Anne Age 12 __ 1____ Estate Dream ___2____ Estate Dream Block Block 2 ______3 _____ Dog’s name ______4 __ Jack Dog’s colour ____ 5__ ___ _____6____ _ Part2 Vocabulary and grammar (40%) ( 第二部分 词汇和语法 ) I. Find the word with a di


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