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园 艺 学 报 2005, 32 ( 1) : 74 ~80
A cta Horticu lturae Sin ica
管开云 李景秀 李宏哲
(中国科学院昆明植物研究所 , 昆明 650204)
摘 要 : 通过对云南秋海棠属植物资源的野外调查采集和引种栽培研究 , 归纳概述云南秋海棠属植物
的地理分布 、形态特征 、观赏性状及其栽培特性 , 为种质资源保存和有性杂交育种 , 以及进一步合理开发
利用资源提供依据 。
关键词 : 云南 ; 秋海棠属 ; 资源分布 ; 观赏性状
中图分类号 : S 68 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 0513353X (2005) 0 1007407
Summ ar iza tion of B egon ia Resources from Y unnan Prov ince
Guan Kaiyun , L i J ingxiu , and L i Hongzhe
(Kunm ing Ins titu te of B otany, the Ch inese A cadem y of S ciences, Kunm ing 650204, Ch ina)
A b stract: B a sed on the stud ie s of literatu re s, field inve stigation , in troduction and cu ltivation on the
genu s B eg on ia L inn. in Yunnan , the geograp h ical d istribu tion , ba sic morp ho logical characteristic s, ornam en
tal value s and their cu ltu ral characters were summ arized in th is p ap er. It wa s indicated that Yunnan is very
rich in B eg on ia re sou rce s. There are 10 1 sp ecie s ( sub sp ecie s and varietie s) ofB eg on ia were recorded in Yun
nan. Among them , 72 sp ecie s are endem ic to Yunnan. B eg on ia isw idely d istribu ted in the who le p rovince bu t
its natu ral distribu tion cen ter is located at SE Yunnan The lowe st altitude of its distribu tion of the genu s in
Yunnan is on ly 90m and the h ighe st altitude is 3400 m above sea level. Among the known sp ecie s from Yun
nan, 50 sp ecie s are rh izom atou s B eg on ia , 28 sp ecie s are erect stemm ed B eg on ia and 23 sp ecie s are tuberou s
B eg on ia. The d istribu tion of rh izom atou sB eg on ia is from 90 m to 3000 m. Th is typ e of B eg on ia requ ire s rela
tively h igher temp eratu re and mo istu re in cu ltivation and m any sp ecie s are