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A sheep in wolf’s clothing: do carrion and dung odours of flowers not only attract pollinators but also deter herbivores? Abstract Carrion and dung odours of various flowers have traditionally been considered an adaptation for attracting the flies and beetles that pollinate them. While we accept the role of such odours in pollinator attraction, we propose that they may also have another, overlooked, anti-herbivore defensive function. We suggest that such odours may deter mammalian herbivores, especially during the critical period of flowering. Abstract Carrion odour is a good predictor for two potential dangers to mammalian herbivores:(1) pathogenic microbes, (2) proximity of carnivores. Similarly, dung odour predicts faeces contaminated habitats that present high risks of parasitism. These are two new types of repulsive olfactory aposematic mimicry by plants: (1) olfactory feigning of carcass (thanatosis), a well-known behavioural defensive strategy in animals, (2) olfactory mimicry of faeces, which also has a defensive visual parallel in animals An example of such a situation is found in the desert plants that form green islands in the dry summer when all surrounding plants have turned yellow and many of them have been grazed to their roots. Even under such extreme grazing pressure those green plants are repeatedly ignored by the Bedouin’s large flocks of sheep and goats that pass them daily. These summer-green plants are characterised by being poisonous or thorny as protection against herbivory. Under the dry summer conditions in the desert, green is as conspicuous and contrasts with the background, as do yellow, red and black colours in ‘‘greener’’ ecosystems. The lack of attacks on these green plants is a clear indication of their very good defensive and deterrent qualities rather than of a low level of risk. * * 阿诺尔特大花 又名大王花,号称世界第一大花。这种寄生性植物有着植物世界最大的花朵,花朵能够长到直径三英尺。阿诺尔特大花肉质多,颜色五彩斑斓。它具有刺激性腐臭气味,幸运地是,人们仅能在印尼地区的苏门答腊岛和婆罗洲发现这种寄生植物。这种花的中间有个洞,能够承起6或7夸脱的水 ,他无根,无


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