Forrester发布2020年市场趋势预测Predictions 2020.pdf

Forrester发布2020年市场趋势预测Predictions 2020.pdf

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PREDICTIONS 2020 On The Precipice Of Far-Reaching Change Reflecting on 2019 Forrester predicted that 2019 would be the year That strategy was prudent but not risk-free: Others that strategic vision converted to pragmatism. This was never had to rebuild a foundation or were ahead of the driven by the reality that bolder strategies depend on game were able to allocate more resources to growth — a stronger, more adaptive foundation — a foundation creating the risk of separation and playing a heavy game that did not exist for most. of catch-up in 2020. Too many companies were saddled with technical The larger risk may be market-based. While taking a step and data debt, hampered by existing organizational back to build foundation, those firms may have missed silos, required to allocate more resources to the core a closing window of good economic times and deferred tech stack, trying to understand a volatile competitive more aggressive strategies to an economic climate that landscape, and struggling with the execution of is at best mixed and, at worst, recessionary. customer obsession. Upon reflection, we are looking at a time and place Those struggles manifested in plateaued CX where foundational work is underway and companies performance, digital transformations that did not — both digitally native and traditional — are better able deliver the expected returns, and early efforts to to compete in what promises to be a turbulent (maybe capitalize on new technologies and models that took raucous) 2020. a technical, rather than operational, viability path. In 2019, many l


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