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I ’m so stupid. I cannot do it well. 我这么笨一定做不好。 QAQ TAT CASE 2 Inferiority (自卑) Don’t look down on yourself any more and be confident. CASE 3 Persistence (执着) Keep calm and learn from those successful people. CASE 4 Mistakes before Learn from the mistakes before and relax more. CASE 5 Laziness Maybe just work hard. Seven steps you can do For everyone 更多精彩,让PPT飞起来丨 Procrastination 拖延症 Section One The Definition and Disadvantages * * Song of Tomorrow Tomorrow comes and again comes tomorrow , Tomorrow are like rivers that endlessly flow. If all my things are put off till tomorrow, My time wasted to no purpose will brew woe. All mortals are tired for the sake of tomorrow, The passage of time will make them old before they know. In the morning they see water eastward running, At dusky they see the sun in the west low hanging. How many tomorrows are in your lifetime, do you know? Please listen to me sing the Song of Tomorrow. * * What is Procrastination Definition Generalized To delay doing something that you ought to do,usually because you do not want to do it Narrow Facing procrastination, are you to be swept up in ? * * The manifestation of procrastination No self-confidence Too busy Stubborn Manipulate others Resist pressure victims ’psychology * * Do you know the disadvantages of procrastination? Disadvantages of university students ·healthy ·study ·social and life ·association and work Section Two The Questionnaire and Data analysis Section Three The Reason and Consequences * * The cause of procrastination Impulsiveness ?”student syndrome” Lack of self-confidence or disliking the task -always too much work to do Planning fallacy -convenient internet access -unstructured time Perfectionism high achieving and high ability students * * The consequences of procrastination GPA, final exam scores assignment grades Mental health well-being Section Four The Solution In our questionnaire Divide your task into small steps a


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