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儿时 Childhood 瞿秋白 Qu Qiubai 生命没有寄托的人,青年时代和“儿时”对他格外宝贵。这种浪漫谛克的回忆其实并不是发见了“儿时”的真正了不得,而是感觉到“中年”以后的衰退。本来,生命只有一次,对于谁都是宝贵的。 One who lives a life without high aspirations will treasure all the more the memory of his own youth and childhood. As it is, sentimental recollection marks his awareness of post-middle age decline rather than his discovery of anything truly remarkable in the bygone days.Life is of course precious to anyone \o 更多bec内容 because he will pass through it but once. 要点: 1,生命没有寄托的人,青年时代和‘儿时’对他格外宝贵。”意即“一个没有崇高抱负的人会格外怀念他的青年时代和儿时”,故译为One who lives a life without high aspirations will treasure all the more the memory of his own youth and childhood. ① high aspirations此处表达“寄托”之前在《今》中我们也见到过这个表达,属高频表达啦~ ② treasure=cherish,此外表示怀念时,也可以用到我们在《今》中见到过的be nostalgic for来表示哦 2,“其实”注意一下此处译为as it is,可以更好地起到承上启下的作用~ 3,“浪漫谛克”此处译为sentimental,而非romantic,因为前者更偏重“伤感”之意,而后者更多的是“不切实际”的意思,因此sentimental更好~ 4,“生命只有一次”译为he will pass through it but once.其中but once为副词短语 ,意即“只有一次“ 综述:句式无难点,注意译者“不走寻常路的出彩表达“~ 但是,假使他的生命溶化在大众的里面,假使他天天在为这世界干些什么,那末,他总在生长,虽然衰老病死仍旧是逃避不了,然而他的事业──大众的事业是不死的,他会领略到“永久的青年”。 But one will long remain fresh and vigorous, if he identifies himself with the broad masses of people and day in, day out does his bit for the good of the public. Although, being subject to the law of nature,he too will eventually become aged and die, yet his cause—the public cause—will be everlasting. He will enjoy perennial youth in spirit. 要点: 1,“假使他的生命溶化在大众的里面“意即”如果他与大众打成一片“故译if he identifies himself with the broad masses of people。其中identify with 意为”认为…与…等同“ 2,“假使他天天在为这世界干些什么“译为(if he )day in, day out does his bit for the good of the public,其中day in,day out=天天,”为这世界“即”为公益“,do one’s bit 意为”做贡献“~ 3,“他总在生长“乍一看这句话的确不好懂,根据下文”衰老“”‘永久的青年’“可以推断出”生长“即”充满活力“故译为one will long remain fresh and vigorous 4,“衰老病死仍旧是逃避不了“此处反话正译,将”逃避不了“译为being subject to the law of nature(顺从自然规律) 5,“他会领略到‘永久的青年’“这里”‘永久的青年’“加了引号,说明并不是实际上的,而是精神上的, \o 更多翻译内容 翻译时要给读者讲明白,因此译者增译了in spirit,即”精神上,内心中“ 综述:本段需要理解意思而后下手,注意最后一句此处对于引号的翻译 而“浮生


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