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Made by 402The reformation of the medical treatment faces lots of obstacles.How did Obama succeed in breaking out of the crisis ? American former presidents had tried to carry out health reforms in the past years but they failed. So many people at all levels reject the health reforms. Obama faced the same difficulties. Why did the health reforms were obstructed heavily even it is good to American? Why Obama got approval this time with solid opposition?数十年来美国历任总统推行医改都铩羽而归,皆因反对声四起。奥氏也遇到同样难题。旨在让全民都得到医保的医改计划为何遭遇重重阻挠?既然拦阻甚多,这次怎么又能顺利过关 ?The difficulty of the health care reform in U.Sis encountering with opposition美国医改难 难在遭遇重重反对 Obama strategy is properly to avoid making the same mistakes奥巴马策略得当 避免重蹈覆辙 United Democratic Party attack Republican Party by using procedures smartly团结民主党 巧用程序狙击共和党 团结民主党 巧用程序阻击共和党 保险业坚决抵制医改医改与美国传统价值观相悖The insurance business firm resisting medicine changesHealthcare reform contradicts with the Americans traditional values 医药行业反对医改 多数人反对建立公共保险机构The medicine opposethe Healthcare reformMost people object to establish the public insurance organization 共和党极力阻挠医改 中产阶级、富人忧心忡忡The Republican Party obstructs the healthcare reform vigorously. The middle class and the rich person are heavy-hearted 美国医改难 难在遭遇重重反对 医改与美国传统价值观相悖Healthcare reform contradicts with the Americans traditional values 民调显示48%的美国人反对医改。反对根本原因在于,医改与美国传统价值观相悖。美国人对政府干预市场、国家控制社会的戒心根深蒂固,对政府主导医疗和国家控制医保的措施保持高度警惕性 .Polls show 48% of Americans opposed to medical reform. Against the fundamental reason is that health care reform with the United States, contrary to traditional values. U.S. government intervention in the market, state-controlled deep-rooted wariness of society, on the government-led control of health care and national health insurance policy to maintain the high degree of vigilance 多数人反对建立公共保险机构Most people object to establish the public insurance organization 奥巴马原想建立非营利公共保险机构,通过与私营保险机构展开竞争有效降低保险费。但大多数人坚决反对,他们认为这是在破坏美国的自由价值观念,他们青睐市场主导的医保,要把政府的手拿开。Obama orig


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