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.专业整理. .学习帮手. 内容摘要 终端广告作为炮弹出膛的最后一个关口,它的优势在激烈的市场竞争中日益凸显出来。因此,加大对服装终端广告的正确认识和运用是中国服装企业的一个新的战略课题。本文通过对国外知名品牌服装终端广告案例的分析,运用对比研究的方法,重点实地研究调查ZARA和HM终端的广告策略。从终端广告的媒体策略、主题策略和创意策略三部分对ZARA和HM的终端广告策略现状进行对比分析。发现二者在终端广告策略上既有相同又各有特色,并从品牌历史、消费群体、设计师风格等角度分析了其异同的原因,总结出几点成功运用在服装终端广告上的启示,以供中国服装品牌运作参考。 关键词 终端广告;ZARA;HM ABSTRACT As the last step of product promotion, terminal advertisings advantages become more and more prominent in the intense market competition. Therefore, to enhance the correct understanding and application of clothing terminal advertising is a new topic for Chinese clothing enterprise strategies. This article focuses on the field research of ZARA and HMs terminal advertising strategy by analyse the cases of the overseas well-known clothing brands’terminal advertisments with comparison research. By comparing and analysing the current three aspects of ZARA and HM’s terminal advertisment strategies: advertising media strategy, advertising theme strategy, and advertising creativity strategy, it is very obvious that each of them have similar strategies and have their own advantages at the same time. Moreover, by analysing the facts why they are different from the aspects of brands’ history, customer group, design styles, ect, this article concludes some successful inspirations that are used on clothing terminal advertisemnts, which could be references for Chinese clothing brands. KEY WORDS Terminal advertising;ZARA;HM 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 一、绪论 1 二、终端广告策略 2 三、ZARA和HM的终端广告媒体策略 3 ㈠ZARA的终端广告媒体策略分析:坚信门店是最好的广告 3 ㈡HM的终端广告媒体策略分析:媒介形式多种多样 4 ㈢ZARA和HM的终端广告媒体策略对比分析 5 四、ZARA和HM的终端广告主题策略 5 ㈠ZARA的终端广告主题策略分析:个性时装化,模仿顶尖设计 6 ㈡HM的终端广告主题策略分析:低价平民,知名设计师思想 6 ㈢ZARA和HM的终端广告主题策略对比分析 8 五、ZARA和HM的终端广告创意策略 8 ㈠ZARA的终端广告创意策略分析:强调品牌的简约格调 8 ㈡HM的终端广告创意策略分析:宣传平民和平价 10 ㈢ZARA和HM的终端广告创意策略对比分析 10 六、ZARA和HM的终端广告策略异同的原因 11 ㈠不同的品牌发展历史是导致终端广告策略异同的主要原因 11 ㈡目标消费群体的差异性是终端广告策略异同的直接原因 11 ㈢设计师不同风格是导致终端广告策略异同的另一个原因 11 七、ZARA和HM的终端广告策略对我国服装业终端广告策略的启示


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