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.. .. .. .专业资料. 兰州交通大学毕业设计(论文) 摘要 新青灰铺隧道为单线铁路隧道,隧道洞身为直线,起讫里程为ZDK69+680~ZDK70+025,全长345m。设计中的项目主要包括撰写开题报告、洞门的位置选择、洞口开挖线的绘制、进出口洞门类型的选择及绘制、洞门结构设计及检算、衬砌结构设计及检算、绘制衬砌结构横断面图、编写施工组织设计。 本设计的内容包括: 根据隧道的地质说明书,参照规范和洞门标准图,确定隧道洞口位置; 确定隧道洞门的类型及结构,并进行检算;洞门选择翼墙式洞门,在洞门检算中,应用挡土墙理论对洞门进行了强度和稳定性检算,经检算洞门设计符合要求,检算合格; 绘制洞口位置平面图(1:500)、洞门图(1:100)、衬砌图(1:80)和隧道纵断面图(1:1000); 洞身衬砌的设计及检算;衬砌检算时,首先对隧道的衬砌进行选择,对二次衬砌进行分块并编写检算数据,然后用FORTRAN程序对衬砌内力进行检算,检算合格; 进行施工组织设计。 关键词:单线铁路隧道;设计;洞门;衬砌;施工组织 Abstract The tunnel of Xinqinghuipu is a single-track railway tunnel, which is on the straight line from ZDK69+680~ZDK70+025, 345 meters long. The project in the design mainly includes writing the opening speech, selecting the position of the hole door, excavate the drawing of the line in the entrance to a cave, selection and drawing of the hole class type, hole door structural design and examine, regard as, line structural design of building with and examine, calculate, draw, line with, build structural cross section pursue, write, construct, organization and design. This design mainly includes the following items: According the geological Instruction of the tunnel, the Tunnel Design Specification and Portal Standard Drawings, determine the location of the hole and drainage of the hole. Decide the type and the structure of the tunnel portal, and then test should be done. Portal type is wing wall portal. Door examine , regard as , employ retaining wall theory go on intensity and stability examine , charge to hole wing wall and end wall of door in hole, through examine , charge hole design of door to fulfill requirements, examine qualified. Drawing the hole location plan(1:500), portal figure(1:100),Lining sectional view(1:80) and tunnel profile view(1:1000). The design of the tunnel lining and the lining test of this part have been done. Line with , build , examine calculate , lining in tunnel build , go on , choose , line to 2 with , build , go on , divide yuan into and write


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