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Greek Mythology 希腊神话; Greek Mythology is a group of traditional tales told by the ancient Greeks about the deeds of gods, heroes and their relations with human beings. 希腊神话讲了很多古希腊的故事,有神、英雄的故事以及他们和普通人类之间的关系。 The Greek mythology is an important part of the ancient culture which has vast and deep influence on the whole western culture. 希腊神话是古文化重要的一部分,与整个西方文化有着广泛而又紧密的联系。 Its great influence upon the English language and literature is beyond description. A great number of words and idioms in the English language come from the Greek mythology. 它在英语和文学作品方面的巨大影响力是无法形容的。英语中的很多单词和语言表达方式都是来自希腊神话。;;;;;;;PART1:The Olympian Gods 奥林匹斯诸神? ;the Gods(十二主神); King of the sky and the earth. Ruler of the Olympian gods. He was the rain god , and the cloud gatherer,who holds the terrible thunderbolt. His bird the eagle, his tree is the oak . ; He is married to Hera but,is famous for his many affairs. He is also known to punish those that lie or break oaths.;; Zeus’ wife and sister. Queen of the gods. Goddess of marriage and childbirth and takes special care of married women. ; Most stories concerning Hera have to do with her jealous revenge for Zeus‘s infidelities(不信神,不忠).; ★赫拉:是克洛诺斯之女,奥林匹斯十二主神之一,宙斯的姐姐和妻子;她主管婚姻和生育,是妇女的保护神;赫拉气质高雅, 容颜美丽,且对伴侣忠贞不渝,无愧于天后的地位,但她的善妒亦闻名于世,因此,赫拉和宙斯经常发生激烈争吵,不过,通常宙斯的花言巧语又总能让他们和好如初。 ★赫拉的象征是孔雀,因为这种有着五彩缤纷羽毛是美丽壮观的夜空的象征,而天空正是天后赫拉光彩照人的脸庞。 ; Brother of Zeus . God of the sea , protectorof all waters. His weapon is a trident (三叉戟) , Which can shake the earth , and shatter(粉碎) any object. ;;★ 海神:波塞冬,奥林匹斯十二主神之一,宙斯的二哥,手持巨大三叉戟,统领海中所有生物。有被描写为半人半鱼的模样,能呼风唤雨。性格凶暴残忍。 ★ 马和牛是他的圣物。他非常喜欢马,因此,他统治海洋后,将几匹马变成了长有尾鳍的鱼马杂交动物。这样,它们在水中也为他拉车。 ; Brother of Zeus. God of the dead. Ruler of the underworld. ;He has a helmet(头盔) that makes him invisible. He rarely leaves the underworld. ; Zeus’ sister. Goddess of the hearth(灶 台). The symbol of the house around which a new born chi


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