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9. 独立主格结构:在句中可以作时间/原因/条件/方式/伴随状语等。 n./pron. + doing/ done/ to do/ adv./prep. 1)Time __________(permit), we will go hiking. 2) He lay there, his teeth____ (close) and his eyes___(stare) at the sky. 3) Many maples, flowers and grass _______(plant), our school will look even more beautiful. 4) The meeting ____(take) place, no one shall enter the room. 5) There _____(be) no bus, we ended up walking home. 6) The police rushed in, guns _____ their hands. 7) His homework ___(finish), Tom went to bed peacefully. 8) The class ______, the students stepped out one after another. permitting staring closed being in finished over to be planted with n/pron + doing/ done/ to do/ adv/ prep ------ with 复合结构 The teacher walked into the classroom, with a ruler in his hand. The old man was lying on the floor, with his eyes ____(fill) with tears. With smoke ____(fill) the room, the teacher and students rushed out. taking filled filling That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats. 10. aboard prep./adv. 搭乘/上(船/飞机/火车/公交) All aboard! Welcome aboard! go aboard a ship 请大家上船/飞机/... 欢迎大家乘船/飞机/... 上船 All the passengers aboard the plane were killed in the crash. board vt 登机 上船 上车 cn 板子 布告牌 on board 在船/飞机/汽车上 board a plane 搭乘飞机 As we got on board, we noticed something too big in the distance. abroad adv. go abroad broad adj. broaden vt/vi 到国外, 在国外;出国; 宽的 宽阔的 广泛的 加宽 变宽 扩大 11. settle down 定居 平静下来 专心于 settle down to sth/ doing sth 专心做... settle on/upon决定/同意某事 settle in/ into适应(新家/工作/环境等) settlement cn/un 解决 处理 和解 殖民地 settler cn. 移民 殖民者 Some students have difficulty settling down to studying qickly. Earlier that day, when they crossed the Rocky Mountains, they managed to catch sight of some mountains goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle. 12. manage vt/vi 经营 管理 对付 操控 设法做 设法维持 manage a business/ a house/ children manage to d


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