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浅谈17世纪荷兰代尔夫特陶瓷的发展 摘要 中国从隋唐开始开通了海运并将瓷器作为商品出口国外,而17世纪则是瓷器出口的高峰期。放眼世界,在17世纪意大利 荷兰 德国 英国等国家先后开始仿制和学习中国瓷器的制作和纹样并逐渐形成了自己的风格体系,直至今日从很多国家所制作的瓷器的造型和装饰中都能看到中国瓷器的影子,其中主要的出口产品则是景德镇的青花瓷和五彩瓷,而荷兰的代尔夫特被誉为西方的景德镇,也是欧洲重要的陶瓷生产地之一,当地的陶瓷厂用本地特有的锡釉陶工艺仿制中国外销瓷(及在17世纪发展起来的日本的外销瓷),所生产的产品将东方纹样吸收消化并与本国文化和生活相融合,形成了著名的代尔夫特蓝陶。本文意在阐述17世纪至18世纪早期代尔夫特陶器的产生和由于仿制中国青花瓷而获得市场并繁荣发展的过程,并阐述代尔夫特陶瓷制作和艺术纹样的基本特征与中国外销瓷的装饰纹样的渊源。 关键词:代尔夫特蓝陶; 外销瓷; 景德镇; 青花瓷 Abstract Since Tang dynasty porcelain has been transported as one of the most important goods in china and it has been exported much frequently in the 17 century. In 17 century, at the same time, Italian Holland Germany and England started to learn how to imitate the Chinese porcelain and produce their own ceramics sooner or later. Until nowadays we still can recognize some details like decorative pattern or shape of Chinese exported porcelain in some western ceramics and the main body of these Chinese exported porcelain is the blue and white porcelain of the Jingdezhen in the 17 century, the Delft, as we know, be known as the western Jingdezhen, where is the one of the most important production area in Europe .Local ceramic factory apply the technical of producing pottery with tin glaze to imitate Chinese and Japan exported porcelain. These manufactures combine Asian decorated pattern and their domestic culture, which form a special form ,the delftware. The intention of this thesis is to illuminate the generation of Delftware between 17 and 18 century and the process of winning western ceramic market and prosperous development as well as the relevance of the china exported porcelain and Delftware in term of the production and decorated pattern and so on. Key word: Delftware; China exported porcelain; Jingdezhen; blue and white porcelain 1.1荷兰代尔夫特的概况 荷兰代尔夫特市建市于1070年,位于荷兰南荷兰省,地处海牙和鹿特丹之间。在十三世纪形成了运河系统,为代尔夫特奠定了在之后成为荷兰主要的水运枢纽的基础。作为重要的港口之一,代尔夫特市的出口产品也非常丰富,包括 啤酒 黄油 地毯 纺织物等。代尔夫曾经盛产啤酒,而后来由于多次的火灾使得酿造业逐渐衰败,其中最为严重的一次是在1536 年的一场自然灾害袭击了代尔夫特,雷电引起的特大火灾烧毁了代尔夫特市近三分之二的建筑,而在这场火灾之后不久



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