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开心英语六年级上册复习重点 Unit 1 Feeling Sick 重点单词短语 have a headache头痛 have a toothache牙痛 have a cold 感冒 have a fever 发烧 have a stomachache肚子痛 take some medicine 服药 see the dentist 去看牙医 stay in bed 躺在床上 them 他们 easy 容易的 重点句型 What’s wrong with you?你怎么啦? I have a headache 头痛 / have a toothache 牙痛/ have a cold 感冒/ have a fever 发烧/ have a stomachache 肚子痛 What’s wrong with him/her/Tony? He/She/Tony has … Please stay in bed ./ Please take some medicine. You should take some medicine./ You should see the dentist. Please +动词原形 should+动词原形 What’s wrong with you? 你怎么啦? I hurt my foot. 我的脚受伤了。 Let me have a look. 让我看一看。 Be careful next time. 下次小心。 I have a stomachache. 我肚子痛。 Please take some medicine. 请服药。 What’s the matter?怎么了? I have a cold. 我感冒。 Please stay in bed.请躺在床上。 课文 What are they doing?他们正在做什么? They ’re digging a well. 他们正在挖一口井。 Digging a well? 挖一口井? I can help them. 我可以帮助他们。 Be careful, Gogo! Gogo 小心! Don’t worry. It ’别担心,它很容易。s easy. Ouch! 噢! What wrong, Gogo? Gogo,你怎么啦? I hurt my foot. 我的脚受伤了。 You should see the doctor.你应该去看医生。 be动词( am, is, are)+动词 ing 形式 表示正在做什么 ur / ?: / hurt 受伤 nurse 护士 purple 紫色 turn 转向 Thursday 星期四 purse 钱包 练习 What’s wrong with _____? A. he B. she C. her What’s wrong with_________? He has a stomachache. A. him B. her C. she Please ______ some medicine. A. take B. takes C. taking What’s the matter______ Gogo? A. at B. with C. in You should _______ the dentist. A. sees B. see C. seeing I can help ________! A. they B. them C. than They ______ a well. A. digs B. digging C. are digging Unit 2 Looking for a Hospital 重点单词短语 turn left 向左转 turn right 向右转 go straight 直走 across from 在 ……对面 street 街道 cross 穿过 corner 拐角 find 找到 traffic light 交通灯 please 请 bus stop 公共汽车站 重点句型 Excuse me. Where ’s the hospital?打扰一下,请问医院在哪里? Go straight


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