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第四章 孟德尔遗传规律及其扩展 Mendel’s law of Genetics and development 主要内容 第一节 分离规律 第二节第二节 自由组合规律自由组合规律 第三节 遗传规律的补充和发展 本章重点 相关名词概念 孟德尔遗传定律中心论点、验证方法和应用 显性性状的表现及与环境的关系 二对 (多对)相对性状的遗传 基因互作和性状的表现 一因多效、多因一效 Mendel’s introduction Mendel, born in 1822, grew up in a rural area of what is now a part of Czechoslovakia. Because his family was poor, he entered a monastery in order to continue his education. Mendel had a lifelong interest in biology, particularly animal breeding, but because his superiors did not think it appropriate for a cleric to breed Gregor Johann Mendel animals, he concentrated instead on (1822-1884) raising garden peas and other plants in the monastery garden. Mendel’s Experiments The results of his work were published in German in an 1866 paper entitled “Experiments in Plant Hybridization.” The paper was distributed fairly widely through libraries, but Mendel’s contemporaries did not understand his findings, probably partly because of the mathematical explanationsexplanations asteryastery ininandand publishedpublished nothingnothing furtherfurther on heredity by the rest of the scientific co unity until 1900, when three botanists, Carl Correns in Germany, Hugo de Vries in the Netherlands, and Erich von Tschermak in Austria, rediscovered his work after each had apparently independently reached similar conclusions. 第一节 分离规律


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