PEP人教版小学英语六年级下册 Unit 3 Where did you go ? B Read and write 课件.ppt

PEP人教版小学英语六年级下册 Unit 3 Where did you go ? B Read and write 课件.ppt

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As the saying(俗语) goes, 塞翁失马,焉知非福 Bad luck often brings good luck. Bad luck often brings good luck. Listen and imitate. But it was also a bad day. In the afternoon, mum ___________ and ___________. So they _______________.Then(然后) they made a funny play and at last (最后) they were all ____. Retell the story 复述故事 It was a bad day but also a good day. First it was good. In the morning, they _____________, _____________, ____________ and _______________. rode a bike took pictures bought gifts ate delicious food ate bad food didn’t feel well stayed in the hotel happy Wu Yifan has a new friend. His name is Max. Look and think A.Wu Yifan lost his cap and bought Max. B.Wu Yifan lost his cap,Max helped him. How did Wu Yifan meet Max? √ One day, Wu Yifan ____ (lose) his cap. The cap ____ (is) in a dogs mouth . Yifan ____ (like) the dog and ____ (give) him a new name-Max. Mum and Yifan ____(take) Max to the pet hospital. Now there are four people in Yifans family. lost was liked gave Look and say took jump on lick If a dog likes you,what will he do? Maybe he will … wag his tail What happened next?   Maybe Max __________with them. 读图,预测(Tips:Pay attention to Who,What,Where) 1. 2. 3. 1 2 3 Read the diary and number the pictures. (读日记,给图片排序,并划出能描述图片的关键句) 日记 乡村 jumped on and licked(舔) Why did Max like Robin? played the part (角色)of a dog He dressed up (穿衣打扮) and made a funny play (表演). Robin dressed up and played the part of a ___. Monkey King The girl and ___. Snow White A. It was a bad day. C. It was a bad day but also a good day. B. It was a good day. √ Read and underline the good things and bad things, then write them on your book. (认真阅读,划出好事情和坏事情。注意提炼关键词和关键句) Read and underline the good news and bad news. (认真阅读,划出好事情和坏事情,并写下来。) Read and underline the good things and bad things. (认真阅读,划出好事情和坏事情,并写下来。) 笑了又笑 They rode a bike, took pictures,bought gifts and ate delicious food. Mum ate bad fruit and didnt feel well. They s


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